It seems like Tiger Woods can't even catch a break at his own event as he suffered a harsh bad beat to Russell Westbrook in a poker tournament.
If a poker tournament is named after Tiger Woods, then most would think that everything would go his way, right?
On Saturday (May 25) evening, the Masters champ was seen going against Oklahoma City Thunder star Russell Westbrook playing a game of Texas[...] Read more » Tiger Woods at his Charity Poker Tournament Loses to NBA MVP Russell Westbrook
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
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Tiger Woods will not be too affected by this bet because he has a lot of money. This is a hobby for him. A pleasure, not a serious game. He was very happy at this table and will remain with pleasant memories about this game. It's nice to see some athletes from another game playing poker.
Of course, for Tiger Woods, poker. This is just a hobby .... so his loss doesn’t mean anything .... he is a professional in the field of golf and quite recently he wasn’t there equal in strength to the game .... not very strong .... Although I have not seen the game .... maybe He was just unlucky to get some hands .... but the news is interesting
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Well what if he couldnt win the game. It was a charity event either way, one that he organizes after all. And even if it wasnt, does he really need that money? He must have made a fortune by playing golf alone. Not to mention all the sponsorships, advertising etc And again is a plus to see such events taking place.
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its nice to see people and famous persons who have lot of money,to play this kind of event and that they collect lot of money for this people who really need it!this players want give much,when we know how much they earn,but this will be big for somebody who will get money!
I did not read the news attentively and did not understand. In the beginning, it was a charity tournament .... in this case it didn’t matter whether Tiger Woods won or lost Tiger Woods .... the most important thing is that the money went to charity .... this is of course wonderful that athletes who have money organized such actions .... This is great
Joined: Jan '14
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Age: 45 (M)
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Unfortunately, Tiger Woods is not dressed as a rich man and is not that young anymore. He had so many problems in his life with marriage and that affected him. It's not easy to divorce, but that's the situation. He tries to have fun as he can and it is very good.
BankrollMob Forum » News » Tiger Woods at his Charity Poker Tournament Loses to NBA MVP Russell Westbrook