Two reg poker players put out their best hands forward to try to win what's called the Biggest Pot in history at Live at The Bike! - a whopping $439,000!
Live at the Bike! is the first and only regularly scheduled weekly webshow to feature a live poker cash game. Real people, playing real poker... uncut, unscripted, unedited, with expert commentary from top-grossing poker pros who make their li[...] Read more » Watch How Quads Beat Full House for the Biggest Pot in LATB History
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wow,what a sick hand!he was sure that he have best hand on this turn,even on river,who could think that other guy will have quads!ofcourse nobody could fold on this position and only question was how much to bet on river and that other guy pay it!great hand!
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good news many things but good to see something like this sometimes ... sometimes also in nice power or be present in this type of games but well many times you can not so just see that replay of the game or find out for some News
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It's a beautiful amount and these players won this beautiful pot. The Greatest Pot in this LATB History will definitely be overcome in the future. As long as this tournament has been seen many times, next time there will be more players. We will see something more beautiful in the future. A huge pot.
I watched this hand .... This is of course a very cool hand and given the fact that a record amount of money was played in one hand is certainly very cool .... Full House against the square is surprising .... a person who caught the square doubled its bankroll .. .. and a wonderful move when he checked and then went allin
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Well if you are lucky, you are lucky. We have seen such results by playing online, and we can see it happens on live games also. There is no chance getting out of this hand, without losing big While playing online i have lost more hands like this, that winning of course
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in this hand you cant say that anybody played anything wrong,its just so strong hand for both players and no matter what move you choose,its great cards for playing!first one player had full on turn and then second player got full on river!but very nice play!
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what they didnt say in this post is that jacky covered andy for little more than 20k... and when jack shoved and andy called, andy reached for chips in his bag, thinking he is covering jack and payed him off full amount of all in (20k$ more than he should) but as I heard later they sorted out and jacky gived him back those 20k....
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This hand is beautiful and it happens very rarely in live poker. Sometimes you are so amazed at such a hand, but this is poker and surprises can exist. It is a shame to lose such a hand but eventually you resign. Anyway good players are going faster over such moments.
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well if this is truth,that he gave him back this amount of 20 K,then this should be in this text or video,that we can know what really happend!now we think that everything is regular and that he payed him!but it was crazy hand,you dont see lot of this kind of hands at live poker!
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A hand like this it's good to catch it in larger tournaments and she, to bring you a lot of chips. Do you realise that it's not easy to lose a hand like this and a lot of money. It's sad when you think that the hand you on it, but a poker of nines give your opinion to one side.
Of course the coolest deal I saw was when Royal flush beat four aces .... and it was in an offline tournament ... If you haven’t seen this google and see .... it was very cool .... but it is distribution is also something incredible .... Especially since the biggest pot in history was played .... poker is a great game
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the truth is there are many things that I have not yet seen as for example this hahaha but good that it would be better to see it live or even more able to be at a table with great players someday ... sometimes if I start watching videos of the live tournaments and I say someday I'll be on TV ??? Hahaha
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pajalnick what kind of tournament is offline tournament?you have online tourne or live tournament,so can you explain about this new term?!I think that I know about this hand and that we have video on you tube about it!it was crazy hand and shock for both players!
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Pajalnick, did not use the right expression but this is not so important beacause sometimes people are tired. I looked at this hand once more and this hand will remain a reference one. It will be in the memory of many followers.
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Posted by dule-vu: pajalnick what kind of tournament is offline tournament?you have online tourne or live tournament,so can you explain about this new term?!I think that I know about this hand and that we have video on you tube about it!it was crazy hand and shock for both players!
it was in WSOP maine event... reymond form evrybody loves raymond was at table... you have it on youtube
When I saw the distribution that the Royal flash beats four aces, I immediately lost any doubt that the poker rooms Do not use a random number generator when distributing cards .... when you see this happening before your eyes any doubts about the honesty of the poker rooms disappear ... poker is a cool game ... absolutely anything can happen in it
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Posted by bowie1984:
Posted by dule-vu: pajalnick what kind of tournament is offline tournament?you have online tourne or live tournament,so can you explain about this new term?
Maybe offline tourney is the one that you hold in your house with your bro's surrounded by beers etc.
yes,who know on what did he think when he write that,but ofcourse he didnt answer to us what he mean by this,he answered on another post!this must be some house game or something that he tested with friend and lot of alcohol
BankrollMob Forum » News » Watch How Quads Beat Full House for the Biggest Pot in LATB History