International news media reported on Wednesday the arrest of Yorgen Fenech, a prominent Maltese businessman, in connection with the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta about two years ago.
Fenech was detaind by armed officers after his yacht was intercepted and raided. Galizia, an anti-corruption blogger, was killed by a car bomb in 2017.
His arrest came the next day after the government[...] Read more » Malta Casino owner Yorgen Fenech arrested in connection with Murder
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I know for this case,this was big thing in world,how they killed her and what job this she had!especially this was strange for one country as malta,that somebody will kill reporter!but if this is truth,we can see connection and why should somebody from malta kill her!he have money,he have power,but we will see will this help to him now!
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This man is guilty of this crime because he tried to leave Malta. An innocent man he was not doing this and not resign from so many companies. He was waiting to be arrested and defends himself, in this process in which he is accused of murder. He is a man who recognized his crime when he wanted to leave the country.
It’s wonderful that the criminal will eventually receive punishment for his crime .... The most important thing is that a terrible crime such as murder does not go unpunished so that people are responsible for their actions and their crimes .... but I’m always glad to hear the news when the criminals end up to prison .... after 2 years Yes, this person probably thought that he would be able to avoid punishment .... but no ... he will be punished
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for me its also strange that this happen after two years and wonder what has change now,that they have evidence about this case and against him!and if this man is so powerful on malta and have so much money,its strange that he didnt pay some people who do this kind of things without any traces! but its good that now everything is offer and he will pay for it!
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Well with this subject I would not know what to say the truth because I do not get to see the news much and I do not know what I could say about this, but if there is a sure investigation it will be discovered that what happened and if this man had something to do With all this, in the long run everything always jumps
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I don't know what punishment this businessman will receive but he will try to escape with a short sentence. I understood that: when the law is permissive it's good for the criminals. I hope Malta to have very tough laws and the decision to be with many years of jail.
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You don't have to give anyone advice how to kill someone. It's not nice to take someone's life, unless that person encroaching to your life or to other people. I don't know what relationships this man had, but any man with money must to respect the lives of other people.
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Posted by bowie1984: One would think if they would have just pay this blogger to make the stories go away instead paying a hitman to put a bomb in her car would have been an easier solution... But who am I to give tips out to the corrupt businessmen about how to do their dirty laundry.
yeah,this would be easier way,but who know,maybe he did offer her money,she didnt want and he made this move,to kill her!who know what is behind this story,but on end only important that this women is gone and even we go in jail,nobody have anything from it!
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People are very bad in many cases and when you are rich, the impression is that you are God. Well you're not and you don't have to kill anyone to get rid of one thing. This life is not long and deserves to be respected. Unfortunately some do not this thing.
Of course, when people have big money, they have great opportunities and false beliefs that they are allowed to take any action with respect to other people and the rest of the world ... But of course this is not so .... and now again we are convinced that no money will help you if you are a criminal .... especially if you are a killer
BankrollMob Forum » News » Malta Casino owner Yorgen Fenech arrested in connection with Murder