Joined: Oct '11
Location: Sweden
Age: 33 (M)
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I found an issue with the christmas calendar that I think needs to be fixed. I've won 2 prizes so far and I've traded both in for lottery tickets, a total of 18. However, the system says that I have like 60 something, can't remember exact number. Anyway, it was way higher then it should be which leads me to think that the tickets you held from last years calendar has transferred over to this year as well.
I think it'll be more fair to everyone if the tickets get corrected so only this years wins will count.
Thanks in advance! PS. The calendar is great as always, keep it up!
Joined: Aug '07
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Age: 42 (M)
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You're right, we missed that part We'll remove the tickets from last year shortly (they are timestamped, so no risk of somebody losing tickets they earned this year). Thanks for the heads up
Joined: May '09
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yeah,I also had that error and had 158 tickets,after I exchanged my prize for tickets and it was strange!knewt that I had last year 152 tickets,so yeah,nice to see that this will be removed from account,even they cant be in draw,so nobody dont need to worry about this!but its nice that admin did react fast
Joined: Jan '14
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Age: 45 (M)
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It is good that this problem has been solved. I didn't notice this, because i didn't win any prize in December. It is good that those members of BRM, who gained something in the first days, they do not lose anything. Good luck mobsters.
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
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Posted by Administrator: You're kind of stating the obvious here, CALICUL, not really necessary to post about
I understood the idea. Thanks. In connection with this frustrated ( dule-vu ) he produces flame always when it has the opportunity but it is not punished... He always tries this and is not fair. He must be helped to calm down...