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After all the nervously and the drama, might it be a good idea to show a new schedule in the next few days, isn´t it? I understand that Bank Roll Mob has to agree with Party Poker, and that can be a little problem. If they fail in make run our tournament, having month+ of time to do it, I assume that a few days might not be enough for the schedule....
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Posted by maragatero: After all the nervously and the drama, might it be a good idea to show a new schedule in the next few days, isn't it? I understand that Bank Roll Mob has to agree with Party Poker, and that can be a little problem. If they fail in make run our tournament, having month+ of time to do it, I assume that a few days might not be enough for the schedule....
Let's see what partypoker/bwin says. The sooner, the better.
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thanks sirthomas for answeres yesterday and today,you were whole time here!just dont understand that they cant answer anything to your or to BRM as their big partner!you work with them for so many years,they got lot of players with affiliate link from your site,so they could at least answer and say where is problem with this freeroll!its not about 500 $,its about respect from their site!
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Thanks sirthomas you are a BRM gentleman. We can understand, less than some exception (what happen with this man?), that the relation with the Big partner Party Poker is really asimetric and we have to wait his words, and expect these to be fulfilled. We know that (after the nervous...). So, when it be possible, we wait for it
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It's on your side BRM that this problems occurs. You should just send tickets to people or order partypoker to do it. No password would be needed, no automatic registration needed. Ticket should be send at least one week before the date of tournament, so it will be still time to do something. Now you guys looks incompetently.
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Posted by mrrrrr: It's on your side BRM that this problems occurs. You should just send tickets to people or order partypoker to do it. No password would be needed, no automatic registration needed. Ticket should be send at least one week before the date of tournament, so it will be still time to do something. Now you guys looks incompetently.
Hey Mrrrr, did you mean for your comment to sound as rude as it does? Or is it just a language barrier due to English not being your first language?
Hopefully that wasn't your intent but if it was, don't be a dink. The team here works pretty hard to provide engaging promotions year after year and has never had a problem before. The poker site administration staff made a simple mistake. There's no need for you to come on here placing blame when you have no idea what actually even happened.
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This is not the first time when the christmas tournament on Party Poker has problem. Which i don't understand it's the fact that this game is not so big and you guys are too impatient. With a dollar and a few cents you can play in something identical but not free of course.
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Hi guys,
The problem with the first $500 freeroll had something to do with partypoker/bwin "tournament-set-up department" confusing it with the $100 freeroll batch (we run 1 password protected $100 freeroll each Sunday).
partypoker/bwin has now informed us that a new $500 freeroll will take place on Sunday, February 9th. All eligible players will be able to register for it (no password needed) once registration is open.
We will send an email with more information in the coming days.
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This was really good news for me since I had completely forgotten about this freeroll! I've had so much to do lately that I didn't about it for even one second. This time around I will actually put an alarm on my phone so I don't miss out on this!
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Posted by CALICUL: This is not the first time when the christmas tournament on Party Poker has problem. Which i don't understand it's the fact that this game is not so big and you guys are too impatient. With a dollar and a few cents you can play in something identical but not free of course.
You are correct in that this is not the first time there has been a glitch with the Christmas tourney. I recall this happening several times in the past.
It always gets rescheduled and goes off without a hitch the second time.
The issue is, I believe, not impatience but planning one's personal schedule.
The time zone is never going to be ideal for all the nations who makeup BRM's members.
Some people might set alarms to wake in the late evening or middle of the night to play.
Some might cancel family engagements or miss out on other activites to play.
Some might take a sick or vacation day, or switch shifts to play.
Some might have taken the points and skipped the tourney because they could not reschedule and will be dismayed to find that they would have been able to play the rescheduled tourney.
imho, it would be ideal for BRM to ask that the tourney is fully setup one week before the scheduled date in future. That would give BRM one week to chase the host and ensure it occurs on the date announced.
Then we could all skip the unnecessary but inevitable drama here in the forum that follows the tourney not taking place as scheduled.
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What a confuse!
------------ Thanks again SirThomas, yes I noticed that some of this problem was happened. When I was waiting for the famous $ 500 Christmas freeroll, I saw that a Sunday BRM freeroll would be starting at 17:00 hs local (CT?). But this freeroll neither was scheduling in the lobby. Finally, I found the tourney in late registration at 18:20 hs. It had begun at 18:00 hs. A real confuse!
Edited by maragatero (29 January 2020 @ 15:36 GMT)
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its sad that they didnt answer on BRM mail,especially on sunday,just to say can they make it or not!they did put tournament in lobby few hours before it should start,but they didnt add players!everything is not on their side and up to them when they will give again this freeroll!hope that we will not wait for long time!
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people are responding and making a fuss over nothing the tournament is still on as far i could tell only on another day because of some things that couldn't be controlled. the biggest thing there forgetting it's a gift that brm arranged for it members so don't act like your entitled to it or that your being robbed of it and just have patience and have a little faith in brm and that all who qualified will be able to play it
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Thank you for sorting this out SirThomas and the team at Bankrollmob. The christmas free roll is always a special event in that it usually takes place in February and is a great reminder too us all that Bankrollmob gave us another fantastic Christmas full of free gifts and rewards and that we should be thankful that we are able to play a game for free with a chance to win something. It will also remind us that the Christmas Calendar is only 10 months away. Come on Christmas!!!!
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Posted by RLipman90: don't act like your entitled to it or that your being robbed of it and just have patience and have a little faith in brm and that all who qualified will be able to play it
This is not nothing, they are taking our time. You don't know how much rake they got from me, i was a VIP range at party for a long time, so i have a right to require something.
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[/QUOTE] This is not nothing, they are taking our time. You don't know how much rake they got from me, i was a VIP range at party for a long time, so i have a right to require something. [/QUOTE]
you said it correctly. was as in the past sense and any achievements or status one had in his past doesn't mean anything today. also you personally may rake as much that grants you some rights. this isn't about you as a's brm and the brm tournament. was just saying keep it civilized, were all grown ups yeah and i get you. you take the time out of your schedule to play the tournaments and when t falls trough there would have been many others things you could have been doing and you have to make time yet again, it's frustrating and annoying. anyhow as i'm not even participating, good luck wiiith the tournament
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now only thing is when party poker will answer to BRM and will they do it before this sunday!we didnt got any answer till now from any admin,so probably they didnt got any mail from party poker and now we are in "blind street"!they have enough time to set up this freeroll for this sunday!
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Maragatero my friend, do not forget to register for this freerollpoker tournament, which made a lot of members to be angry or anxious. It was like the end of the world and they had no opportunity to play in this game. I wish you good luck.