Michigan poker players will likely have to wait until 2021 before they see the very first legal hands dealt in online poker, according to a report from The Detroit News.
Brandt Iden, the sponsor of the bill, said that Michigan won't procure any significant tax benefits until online gambling is launched, "Until we're fully integrated online, I don't think we'll be able to capitalize on revenue. Bu[...] Read more » Online Poker in Michigan to Wait until 2021
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Greece
Age: 47 (F)
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If it is until then, then it is not a big deal. And this for the recreational players. Cause i doubt the professional ones will be staying there, if they cant play online. The way it goes it will be regulated, in all of the usa soon, once more. And this time i doubt there will be another incident like the one that took the whole thing down to the drains.
Joined: Oct '16
Location: Argentina
Age: 70 (M)
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I don´t understand this matter. Poker online is running since 1980, more or less. And in this forty years the legal criterious of the countries could not establish an agreement between them about this activity. It can be explained by the ethics or moral differences between cultures. But the fiscal criterion should be better defined at this stage of events, don´t you think? Each country that aims to define a regulation starts from scratch. Have no sense!
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
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well everbody know that this bring big money to all,so they should take less time then this!they should or give that licence or not,but not to say every year that they want to give legal gambling,but then they postpone till next year and so on!everything can be legal,its just question by what rules!
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
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It takes a long time to reopen online poker in the United States of America and over two months and a half is 9 years from the black Friday. The time has passed pretty quickly and americans players i think they were very disappointed with this. Next year some of them will play again.
Joined: Jul '13
Location: Israel
Age: 49 (M)
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I hope they keep re-openning online poker in the states, so maybe it will affect local decision makers and get online poker bavck to Israel. Online poker could be very easily be managed so it will do very little harm if any. I'm okay with poker played under governing eyes that keep everything on the legal and safe side.
Joined: Oct '16
Location: Argentina
Age: 70 (M)
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As I said, I still not understand what is the real Problem. If I not mistaken all the countries, less in islamics, has some kind of gambling for money: casinos, sports bets, lottery... But in the same countries the poker online is taken like a special matter. In Argentina, my country, there were many rumors, even bills, but for now there is no regulation
Joined: Jul '13
Location: Israel
Age: 49 (M)
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In Israel only gambling allowed is state owned gambling - lottery and sports betting that is both owned by the state and the revenues goes to building sports arenas, schools, etc. I think that disallowing poker games helps the country to kill the competition for it's own sites. I believe that poker games should also be governed by the state to see that the money doesn't go to criminals but rather to good use but they should make playing online poker legal since this is not gambling.
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The law of United States of America it was very strong because from 2011 until 2021 is 10 years in which this country has been deprived of many poker games. I don't know why the Americans won't leave to enter in online rooms and to invigorate many tournaments.
Joined: Jul '13
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Online gambling is not allowed in many of the US states mainly because of the lobby of the major casino holders, like Sheldon Adelson. They use their incredible wealth to push governing bodies to eliminate their competition from online sites. As long as they have this power online sites will continue to be banned from many countries. I don't see it changing soon.
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
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This is not the main reason for stopping online gaming in the United States of America because American players were in all poker rooms 10 years ago. I don't think there is a network that would have banned this. Something big happened thereand now they have not resumed.