Joined: Oct '16
Location: Argentina
Age: 70 (M)
Posts: 2597
Yes, some little problems with the poker client made me lose the freeroll Seriously, the main lobby didn´t show the freeroll of BRM which had to run at 17 GMT. So I think it would have been cancelled or something like that. Then, wheen I look for the Christmas freeroll, at 18:45 GMT, there was the tourney, anounced that will run at 18:00GMT (??). I look in this page the password, but it had been erased
Joined: Mar '11
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Age: 31 (M)
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there was no password if you were invited to the tourney you simply just had to register but im sure the technical issues that they have every month interfered
Joined: Jan '14
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Age: 45 (M)
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It is absurd when it doesn't exist seriousness from the side of a poker room. Why certain moderators or administrators do not do the job for which they are paid in a professional way. What they do during this time? they also play poker for his pockets?
Joined: Feb '11
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Age: 60 (M)
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Sunday was not a good day for PartyPoker and the players who wanted to play poker there, including it seems, those Mobsters who had not pre registered for the Christmas Freeroll. Party does seem to be getting an inordinate amount of problems at the site and works hard to put it right but it feels like something more needs to be done to prevent such incidents rather than reacting to them. The Freeroll wasn’t in the lobby but did take place.
Joined: Oct '16
Location: Argentina
Age: 70 (M)
Posts: 2597
The poker´s site are beautiful prey for the hackers and they noticed it. That software have a lot of money around it, the poker´s room are really concerned about it, but they have less security (and e-defense) than a bank. So, I think that we will have too many news of this type in this years, if the poker´s rooms don´t make a common agree to mutual defense