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What Poker Pros Make of the Coronavirus

Whether we classify the latest coronavirus as a pandemic, it still is a serious issue. Within just two months, the virus known as COVID-19 has spread across several continents. When something is described as pandemic, it means continuous transmission of the disease, all at the same time in multiple different geographical regions. Pandemic does not refer to a virus' deadly characteristic but rath[...]   Read more » What Poker Pros Make of the Coronavirus

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What Poker Pros Make of the Coronavirus  0   
this virus is more then just normal thing!you can see how in italy everything stopped!streets are empty,people dont go anywhere,so ofcourse they will cancel poker tournaments and everything else!you can expect to have 500 or 1000 players on some tournament from all over the world and to be at same place!
today even one person in my town in hospital is on this risk,now they wait for test to see what will happen!

Many are seriously concerned about this virus . Shaun deeb decided to take out of the kindergarden his kids for some times , he's not the only one , basically schools and universities close in some countries for security reasons . Some are worried , some others no , although the last kind of pokerplayers I believe they pretend not to be worried or they don't admit their true inside fears . How can you not be affected at all or a little or more worried while on the world is on this panic , goverments announce measures , businesses get affected , people are dying ??? Be really insensitive not to care at all about this outbreak , or a liar .... Anyway , hope everything goes back to normal . Aids , some other viruses are enough *sercasm* , ty we don't need any more very dangerous or contagious viruses ....

Edit :Btw I just received a governement message (Beep , Beep , Danger !! Danger !! Omg , first time in my life this happens , got little scared while listening to music on the android , suddenly to hear thiss erine or beep alert ...... first thought I believed I did sth bad and it was police LOL Big Smile ) .
A scary message in my cellphone about this virus and what to try to do in case of infection or if I belong in a high risk/vulnerable health group . Wtf , ofcourse apathy is very bad , but on the other hand this panic ... As if we had 10s of thousands of victims in the country , Ok , we should all take precautions , but these hysterical reactions by governments , are they on purpose ???

This is really a Pandemia if the poker´s world is concerned! I think at the image of any poker´s tournament, with hundred of tables one next to the other one, filled of players playing elbow to elbow, and it´s really a risk. Perhaps, the lives tournament world have to stop for a while and make it only online. We, the online players, seems like cockroaches that may survive any holocaust, as long as internet servers work

What the poker world thinks about the pandemic is irrelevant.

None of these people are doctors or scientists as far as I know. Except maybe Isaac Haxton - he might have a few phd's.

Get your information from informed, educated individuals - not "pop" stars.

This pandemic with coronavirus is made by globalists for several reasons like: compulsory vaccination, economic and financial interests, military power, etc... Americans walk tanks at night through Italy and probably not just there. They want to start ww3. Maybe... or not. They know better.

poker pros have lot of money and they dont have to worry about anything,will they go on job,how they will earn money,what will eat or anything,so this is problem for normal people!they can stop playing live poker games till this all finish and they can play online,if they dont live in america!

Crankmuppet, I think that the poker´s players, like football players, actress & actors, and anybody who are in the massive comunications media, could do some interesting and needed work of disclosure about good habits and advices, don´t you think? And CALICUL my friend, you are in risk of becoming in a are an opponent of vaccunation? What do you think about the roundness of the earth?

Posted by maragatero:
Crankmuppet, I think that the poker's players, like football players, actress & actors, and anybody who are in the massive comunications media, could do some interesting and needed work of disclosure about good habits and advices, don't you think? And CALICUL my friend, you are in risk of becoming in a are an opponent of vaccunation? What do you think about the roundness of the earth?

Maragatero - I prefer to get information and advice from the experts (virologists/doctors, scientists, etc.,).

"pop" stars will, in most cases, just be regurgitating the advice the experts give. Some of them might unwittingly spread incorrect information. There are also some "stars" who don't believe in science, like anti-vaxxers.

I would agree though, that a "pop" star reading a transcript prepared by experts as a public service announcement would be a good way to educate people and get people to take this threat seriously. They might be able to reach a larger audience.

poker pros could at least stay away from this or any problem if they dont know anything about it!only thing that they can do is to write tweet or make video where they will say that people should be careful and not to take this problem easy!lot of young people follow them!

Maragatero my friend, i am really an opponent of vaccination and i tell you why. The vaccines existing today are not good like in the past and i know this thing very well. In my country i had 3 places where very good vaccines were produced. The globalists came and with politicians they stopped production and closed the institutes. A few years have passed and cases of autism or children who died from vaccines multiplied...

We are agree cranckmuppet, I would not look for a certificated advise of a football player about a serious disease. But scientists has not good spaces in the big media communications. So, they could give a public service if they make a read of some paper in the tv. CALICUL, I´m really a fan of the cience and all his advances. You can´t refuse that with bad data. Please, be informed!

I am better informed than you are, my friend. The televisions lie a lot and freezes the waters. We are systematically lied to by the governors. Coronavirus is true but the lies about him are too many. On tv and on the Internet there are many manipulations. Avian flu, swine, mad cow disease etc ... Only miseries to introduce their meat with toxins and chemicals and chemicals. Now with this virus is another scam even if corona is real. You will see.

Well CALICUL, let´s go on parts. I´m agree that the goverments lie in several opportunities. Some of them are for your own (evil) interest, and other times they couln´t say the truth, and it´s reasonable to don´t create public panic. But the cience don´t lie. You can´t deny the reason and the cientistic method, or you return to the dark age. Please, be careful!

I have no problem with any scientific method if she tells the truth or is too close. I have a sad feeling of hatred when they lie. This coronavius is a less-than-normal flu but they lie to us. I don't know what purpose they have but the variants can be many.

But, what are you saying about liers? Where is the lie? In the number of case, in the percentage of death, in the exponential king of contagion growth? As I said, I´m agree about the lies of the goverments, like a rutine practice. But I don´t understand what you think about this pandemia. It´s not like a normal flu. It have a bigest percentage of death and a terrible capacity of grow!

Many people die from the flu in every year. It was the same now, but instead of passing through the cause of death a normal flu, they write coronavirus. That's how they received order from politicians. You will see this because the truth it cannot be hidden.

Calicul I don't understand your point when you say that many people die from flu in every year ,
yes I know that many people die from flu every year , don't know what's situation in Romania at the moment but all over the world have now this virus and it's not just flu.
Every year have flu but it never made this kind of situation to many countries.
Those numbers don't lie and those numbers tell us only cases what confirmed.

I like what it has been written on this article, that it is basically a pandemic of fear.
Well if the measures arent serious then there will be no way to control it after
some point without a vaccine.
People are making such comments when they are out of the dance as we say here. Smile
But when the issue impacts them directly.... then it is another story Smile

They lie with other things... and these cases of Coronavirus are not so many. unless it is true that the virus has been spread with drones. In my country, newspapers say: there are 246 cases with zero deaths and in Italy a romanian died. Some newspapers shout that it is serious and it scares people and the president says: is no cause for panic. Someone has a huge interest in lying.

CALICUL, my friend, you are really wrong. I don´t understand if you really, really, think this crazy things or you take it with some irony to generate a good flow of conversation between us... The crown virus is not a common flu, and the big difference is that its growth is exponential, and the number of cases that require intensive therapy overwhelms the capabilities of any health system. Also, no one knows how to deal with it successfully (and for the flu there are already vaccines!)

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