888poker ambassador Chris Moorman is sharing one bit of useful advice regarding multi-tabling for poker players and fans alike.
About Chris Moorman
Born in England on July 12, 1985, Chris Moorman is known as the all-time leader in career online poker tournament earnings reaching the $14 million mark on August 2017. Currently ranked no. 9 in the England All Time Money List, the 34-year-old has [...] Read more » Watch: Team888 Chris Moorman's Tip for Multitabling
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If I play one tale I make very good decisions , in contrast to playing more tables at the same time . Then I can follow the action at the table , take notes , see who is loose and who is tight , prepare my next move for the next hand acording to the number of blonds that I have and the position that I will have , what possible hand I might get that i would like to play from that position and with what bet or 3bet/4bet in position . Or else I play completely blind , don't know what 's going on at the table . Sometimes with more than two tables I might get distracted , and not shove a hand that I should have , or shove one with a loose decision due to rush play .
Ofcourse , some play their A+ game with 4 tables but not with more than 4 , some more skilled players play better 6 or 8 tables ,but struggle with more than 6-8 . It depends on how much skillled you are , the more skilled the more automatically and optimally you play more tables
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I think that it has to do with the goal of your playing. If you take the decision of live with the profits of the game, You have to look for any strategy focused on make money too fast than can make it. This way isn´t pleasant for recreational players like us. We like to see the moves and the reaction of the villain, we like to think about it, and you can´t make it with 20 tables...
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I would love to have Chris Moorman's skills too and it will be much easier for me to play at more tables. Their tactics are far too good to make their games easier. I can't concentrate with the mouse but they learned a lot with the keyboard.
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I say it again, I think that the matter is the strategic approach that you make with your playing. If you need or decide to make money with this, and you have some time for it, You have to practice in a low level until you have an automatic game A without much subtlety, and then you can increase the number of table step by step
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The Internet can help with many tips in this regard (to play many tables). You have time to follow some tutorials, that will eventually teach to be able to work better. You want this, then can try these tips and see what is succes. Good luck.
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Yes, I was leaved the idea to return on a serious playing of poker. But day by day, writing here and reading this news, I´m starting to think again in it. I´m evaluating that, despite I will retire in some time, I will still need something to do, some rutine like a work. This isolation teach me that, so I might take the poker like a job.
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He was an Asian player Nanonoko (Randy Lew) who i saw playing 3 cash tables. Two with maximum buy in of $5k and other with $10k. He won about 30K at one of the tables in two hours. When you see how easy some players won money, you think that it is unreal.
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Yes is true, but is also easy lost a lot of money there. That´s what I don´t understand, many professional players said that when you have a downswing the best way of go out of that is playing more hands. It seems to me like a suicide propose. You have bad luck in this time...so play more now! They ever are betting to the average, but you can lost your bankroll in this way!
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I remember that once i played at 9 tables and in 10-15 minutes i was eliminated from everything. This is probably not the most successful failure for me, but the concentration is very weak, because must to move quickly and it's a big problem.
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KO series on partypoker , i was playing 1 or 2 main tournaments , and 2 , 3 , or 4 satellites at the same time . Stellites don't need so much thinking , I was registering when the stck was 10 blinds , so it was in fold or shove mode . 3-4 shoves and Iwas getting the ticket .
But when i won too many tickets , and played them all on a Sunday , because the prizes of ther tournaments for the same ticket (buyin ) were bigger then , also I was trying to get a scratchcard with 1-2 points , then complete disaster happened . So many tables opened , I couldn't focus , many times ime bank was activated and spent , no timeat all , very bad decisions , almost all tickets that day lost .
Another time I will be plaing one or two main tables , and one or two secondary (freerolls , hyper sattelites) , can't play more , because of a promotion or big prizes .
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Nine tables CALICUL? That is too much for me. including to think in it. I might play four tables with a little effort right now, and I think that with some practice I might play until eight tables. But I don´t think that I could arrive to more of that. I saw some good players of MTT playing twelves tables, but is crazy thing, because in some points the tables are in different stages!
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I guess that grinding multiple tables is the best way to make money or is poker, is you don't play professional high steaks games. But everyone I know that did it for grinded himself and left poker as a trade after a short while. It truly becomes work and not fun and you end up walking around with red eyes and always tired mentally. Not for me that's for sure
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Yes, you have the reason roeish3. Play multitabling is like a money´s machine, and you are the prime mover. And, obviously, it´s a job. But it have some conditions that have to have: you should be a winner in that format and level, and you have to have good discipline to play and take your break. I think that the players that use to do it, take some especial daily or weekly tournaments to enjoy the game!
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At this point i can't concentrate on a table because i don't think it's possible to be patient afte two months in which i stayed at home because of coronavirus. I can't wait to walk in the streets of the city because i need that. In autumn, my appetite will return.
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But, why you stay at home for a public lie? Are you waiting for a vaccine ? hahahaha Sorry CALICUL I can´t avoid making a joke to you! I wish, seriously, that you can find your calm and could return to be patient to play your best game. All of us are be shocking by the isolation situation. I´m adding a downswing that make me sad...
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The biggest fine was $ 5,000, so i had to stay in the house for two months. I was allowed to go out for food but with a certificate... It's not easy and I can't accept that these world puppets they forced the world to stay in their homes, while they walked the streets without a mask.