Joined: Jun '10
Location: Belgium
Age: 51 (M)
Posts: 1457
hi all
Due to the fact I had not time enough to play poker and I was a bit tired of teh game I stopped playing poker. I was just a recreational player whish means I did not loose money but could make a small profit on the long term. Mainly I just played because i like to play cardgames and winning money was not my drive.
Since 3 weeks I started to play poker again on stars ... I just put 25 euro on my account and started to play Sit&Go 1-table (50%) with a buyin of 1.5 dollar to check if I still can play it profiitable I play multitable in sessions of 1 to max 2 hours.
I recorded my results in an excel sheet here are my results :
games played 139 games won : 83 which is 59.7 % profit : 43.95 $ avf profit / game is 0.316 $
Joined: Dec '14
Location: Greece
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 2371
These corona virus times , many have the chance to return back on the felt , online at the tables , and start grinding again . Good for everyone , preexisted regs to play with more fish , old players to start winnng again their salary or part like they used to do in the past (especially if they don't work at all these days and they are completely on isolation) , other fun players to have a good time playing the games they played when they were kids or younger , and have a good time . With this isolation , online poker proves to be very usefull indeed . Also online casinos
Good luck for your next games , hope you do continue to have profits , and more winnings in the close future , maybe you hit a big one these days Good luck