A video showing a grind house somewhere in Asia with players seated in front of several computers are seen multitabling on the same Asian poker app.
I've got a lot of questions about this poker grind house pic.twitter.com/HJRhdiiZSP
— Joey Ingram #passion (@Joeingram1) April 18, 2020
Asian poker apps earned a bad reputation throughout the years due to low security measures and[...] Read more » Asian App Poker Grind House Video leaked on Twitter
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What a curious situation, I never saw something like that. And how can be that the poker´s room allow to different players have the same nick? Or a single player is seating many times in the same table? It could happen? Until now, I only thought that the asian players are to loose and make strange moves, but this history is totaly diferent!
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You haven't seen anything like that, but you remember when i said about an Asian player who playing at 41 tables in the same time. What was there? Correctness is the most important thing and it is not normal for some gamblers to cheat.
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ha,ha,cant believe what I see on this video!now they even dont afraid,when somebody make video of them!you can imagine how they work with this kind of playing,who know how many IP addresses and other things they change,that poker sites dont get them!just wonder on what site they play like this?just to know!but somebody say that this is old video,so know from when they scam people!maybe its so old,so thats why somebody published him!
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It is weird indeed. It wont be the first nor the last situation where players colluding on the tables playing poker. I bet that this video must have prevented from players keep playing there. Why risking your money to play there now?
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In the text is write that the poker´s room maybe the PPPoker, and in the future -cause this video- the poker´s room was improbing their security. But that is incredible, how can a software with elemental configuration allow to be a lot of players with the same avatar? I can understand that the software couldn´t detected sofisticated moves, but that???
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if this is old video,as we have in this text and on twitter,then its not strange that is now available,when you cant do anything or to check them!probably in that years,poker rooms couldnt detect them and thats why they had this success with playing!in asia they can do much things and much faster,then we can do it,so this isnt strange for me,but didnt expect to see something like this and that somebody will share video for all of us!
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I want that they to develop a software that catches all the cheaters. I don't want it to exist anymore something like that in any poker room. This situation is very difficult to achieve but who knows. Technology has become very advanced and maybe it will be so.
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Is a shame because I couldn´t see the video. I only wrote about the news that I readed, I only can supose (with your comments) what happen there. But, anyway, it´s crazy and it represents everything that we are afraid of a game site. For years I tried to control my impulses paranoid, which lead me to think that the software betrays me or that there is colusion. This news proves it!
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but we all knewt that this is normal in asia and that probably 10 years ago we had something like this,just we didnt had any news or video from it!poker rooms now close this kind of accounts from last year,but its too late now!but we all knewt that people could make some organisation where they will play poker against other players! its same like we use VPN to come on some casino site!
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These colluding videos , or others out there are really concerning . They show real time , players colluding among them , playing in the same tables with unsuspected victims , giving them a great advantage for guaranteed profits , when every one of the rest players at the same table can see only his hole cards , not another one's , also he can decide only for himself , he can'e panipulate the result of a hand , like these scammers might do , with reraises and squeezes , to put players out of the hand .
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I always was too naiff to think that this could be happened when I started to play poker online. When I started playing, I couldn´t believe some moves that I saw in the tables. But ever I understand that I was playing in the bottom of the levels and there the players may do anything. I never have a doubt about the poker´s room. It will be true that robot programs are used to play?
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These scammers have a very big advantage , pokerrooms should do everything possible to stop this kind of scamming . This might happen by bots , of the same scammer , collaborating on the same table , sharing the info they have . Bots can change the accounts the use and IP address very often , especially when they are caught . Some poker rooms have very good tools to find bots or players colluding using fake IP addfresses , they won't even allow you to register an account if they spot you using VPN or anothertool so as to have a fake IP . But most pokerrooms catch these scammers later , after their scamming actions , when they are reported , with enough proof against their potential shady behavior .
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Anything can happen because in the online environment it is like in reality. A few years ago a technology has been created who sees through the walls. That's what happens with softwares of poker rooms who have illegal programs .
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Finally, I could see the videos! I had to click in the arrow on the bottom of the picture, and then the twiter software start to run. But I don´t understand the image...all those persons was played like one player? Or is a reference of the unhealthy of the situation in that place? It seems like the slave´s ships, only some chains and shackles are absent!
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who know what other things are made in asia that we dont know for it and what system,program,organisation they use playing poker or casino games!maybe we will hear something in next years,like this video is viral after so many years!so asian people are maybe first in making frauds!we all know what was with ilegal gambling in last years!
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If it's an old video , then probably these players will not face any concequences , even if a government decides to hunt them down , they would have stopped these activities many of them , or they would have been replaced by others .Anyway , these colludors definetely will change these rooms every some time , for security reasons , ofcourse their IP might change everyday , lol .
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I don´t know antonis321, this situation was ilegal at that time in that country? Here in Argentina, I don´t know if it exists. In fact, a lot of irregular situation about the e- business have not regulation here. Is awesome, but the State have not reaction yet to a technology reality that have more than 20 years. Some of it is an advantage for me,because the poker online have not be limited
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I think that asians are very smart and that they know when to give such a video in public and that must be old,for lot of years!its just question why just now,is somebody stop doing things like this,he do it for fun or something else!but we will more of this in next years!
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It must be very old video , there is a purpose for releasing this video now . Anyway , that's one more reson why I don't like playing normal cash tables , besides the second reason , which is that when you start winning , most of the others abandon the table , but when they win they expect you to remain on this table and keep on playing like an idiot , ZOOM kind of games or spins are better
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yeah,somebody knewt that now they cant do anything to them,after so many years and that they can show to people this video and how they played poker with so many people in same room!this just show how people are much more in front of poker and casino sites!