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Daniel Cates Admits to Cheating in Online Private High-Stakes Poker Game

In case you haven't read it yet, check out this article on Dan Bilzerian accusing Daniel "Jungleman" Cates of ‘ghosting' in a private online high-stakes poker game hosted by Bill Perkins. On Wednesday, May 27, the main subject of the scandal, poker pro Daniel "Jungleman" Cates finally confessed, and shared his statement of apology on Twitter. My defense for @DanBilzerian 's accusatio[...]   Read more » Daniel Cates Admits to Cheating in Online Private High-Stakes Poker Game

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Daniel Cates Admits to Cheating in Online Private High-Stakes Poker Game  0   
This story is an interesting one and now this player has lost a lot in terms of credibility. It is their world, of the professionals and it is interesting what will happen in future with this scandal. Cheating also happens at high stakes but this is the situation even if it is not good.

With all the options to cheat, ghosting is the least clear.
He claims that all the other players were playing at a much to high level to not be helped by a pro. I wonder how they can tell.
Although I wouldn't want to play against a pro without knowing that, but at high stakes I would be ready for a high level of game anyway.

well this doesnt look good and now after he admit that he really cheating,we can ask who is next and did anybody also tried this kind of scam from others accounts!we can see how few hands from one player and one tweet can change everything!as we can see in news,its not first time he do things like this!now to see how this will finish!

One is my problems is that I always play as if I'm playing against a pro. That makes me think the players against me are more sophisticated than they really are.
My best friends always tells me to assume players against me just play their cards and at the low stakes I play in I should just assume no one is over playing me.

must say that I dont understand your post!that what you talking about is not same thing!its not question how you play and on what level,its about that somebody scam people and play on others account,which isnt normal thing and now somebody catched him!who know where is end of this!

Edited by dule-vu (30 May 2020 @ 11:06 GMT)

Cheating is wrong. You don't need me to tell you that. Obviously he should be punished. What he claims is that by the level all other fish we playing it's obvious that other were ghosting as well. Don't know how he figured it out but I never takes into grunted that people on the other side of the net are who they say they are.

I disagree with some of you saying here that Cates has cheated . If you can enlighten me on the fact , the matter that he actually cheated by doing this thing , I would like to know .... I don't like scammers , I don't like scamming , but there are some lines , very clear lines , regarding what is serious scam and what is childish or very light offence and break of some controversial rules on the online poker rooms Smile

Antonis, when you are a pro player, you have higher ethic standards to live up to.
What is considered ordinary for normal players, like playing in someone else's account, is not right when you are a professional player.
I sometimes switch with a friend of mine, when I can't continue to play in a tournament or vise versa, but the level remains quite the same.
Trying to cheat players or is their money by pretending you are someone else is not cool when you consider yourself a professional.

Yes, I´m agree with you roeish3, this game is building with credibility in his rules, his companies, his software, and his players. When some of that is doubtful and you thing that someone is cheating, all the castle can crumble. So, the professional players who lives by this game, are the principal makers of that credibility and their works depends of that

its not ok that if you are pro and play for lot of years,to take account from somebody other and to play online!ofcourse its not same game and this players against you dont know whats happening!ofcourse you need also to get some cards to win over them and he cant know what they have in hands,but still its not same!

Credibility ??? Ethic standards ??? In high stakes poker ??? Is this the new joke in the poker community these days ?? I will be laughing with this statement for a long time ....

Do you have any idea what 's going on on high stakes poker ?? How many '' pokerr buddies '' do exist out there co-studying the game in a GTO perspective , as roomates , playing their games from the same room ??? Do you know how many scandals there are out there for this so called '' ghosting'' accusation ??Doyou know how many pros have been accused of ghosting or using multiple accounts (besides the one known to the other players or pros ) . Bonomo , I think number two in all time money list ,has also done it in the past , yet he is so admired by the poker community , besides having banned in the past for such reason in poker room(s) Smile

Do you know how many have been accused of using bots or advanced programms in high stakes ?? How many times even the greatest poker rooms , like Pokerstars , have caught such bots on high stakes ?? And not annonymous Russian bots , like on PLO some times ago , we're talking about known players , with statistics and winning graphics that cannot be normal for a casual , average more or less pro Smile

Credibility and ethic standards on high stakes poker , this is a good joke Smile

Well, I take my time and readed all the news, and now I understand (finally) what is "Ghosting". This is a cheat of the "Pro Paradise", where you have to show your face every time in every place, because you are a big boy, It´s something like the the 'forbidden hand' of boxers, who cannot fight with ordinary people. Really, this is not a problem that make me doubt on the poker´s rules. I was happy when some poker´s room (I think that was GGpoker) allowed to change your nickname to vanish in front of some knowed villains

I read a little on the internet and this Daniel Cates has 3 professional players against him. Dan Bilzerian, Bill Perkins and Jason Koon are big names and this scandal will evolve. It really wasn't necessary to do that but big money it takes your mind...


Ghosting is a rediculous accusation for me .
Better go and fix problems of more severe cheating , that happens out there , STEALING the money of new playerscoming to the online poker industry , on preexisted , thanks to the massive info pros or regs have due to HUDs and programms , or even sharing this data on all the players they have with buddies , oreven buying it from datamining sites , creating a God Data base , with all info on players , that being processed with very nice programms out there , or programms of their own , for exclusive use , with GTO techniques and decisions/strategies , making it impossible to defeat them .
That's the greatest scandal , than the scandal of sb who is trying to hide his identity , so as to be able to play against sb ,who wouldn't play against him if he knew his identity . Or sb ghosting , because he want's to hide his identity , because other pros have so much info on him on their HUDS , so he will be victimised very easily Smile

Ghosting for me is also a relatively mild accusation and there are much more problematic issues in the poker world.
Having said that, Cates is a pro and we could expect him to higher ground than the regular player. Is there practice players community wants to also him in his behinds, I'm okay with that

If we make a calculation from our memories can see more players who cheated. He is not the only big name in professional poker who does that and he will not be the last. Respect for them decreases as well but their career is not over.

There are so many cheating methods out there , ghosting is the less serious , or even not serious at all . I have never done it , a frind of mine never done it on my account , and this is very easy to be proven . But I don't think players who do this are cheaters . All this thing with the preselection of the fish we wil play against , or else we don't want to play against . We need all the info and data on a player , that we collect , or we share with other MFs , isn\t this the greatest cheating ??? In a live casino , would anyone have the option to use a HUD , or a programme , on a pc or android , while he playes live poker cash or tournament games ??? No . Why do we allow this cheating on online poker ???

well, apparently it is an issue, otherwise we would have never hear about it.
He had to appologize and all, so I guess professional players do have some kind of a code of honor and this guy broke it.
Again, I'm not saying I think this is that serious, but I do think if you are a pro and poeple lookup to you, than you have to be playing by the rules and not say some rules don't apply to you.
It's the same with celebrities, politicians etc. - I think they all should be examined by strickter rules than the regular guys.

all of us can cheat on online poker and to play on some other name and account!every of you can go on your firends home or to take his password and to log in and to play with his account!so for me its not strange that some pro try this kind of things!probably we have many cases that we wont find out like this one!

I know there are many methods of cheating and when i asked that in Pokerstars, 888 Poker or Full Tilt... always i got answers that everything is right and nobody don't steal illegal from me. It's sad because it's not true many times and all bots must to disappear.

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