
Joined: Oct '11
Location: Sweden
Age: 33 (M)
Posts: 1410
Since I mainly play DoN's and I stick to a strict 50 buy-in BRM, I sometimes feel that it takes quite a bit of time for me to reach the next level (due to not playing as much as I want) when I'm crushing a level. I would however be interested to know what ROI you would considder to be a good ROI on DoN's on different stakes?
Here's my opinion, based on the limits on PartyPoker: Micro ($1 - $5): Anywhere between 15% and 20% I would say is a good ROI. Small ($10 - $20): Between 10% and 12% Medium ($50): 5-6% High ($100): 3-4%
Also, what type of bankroll would you bring to each of these levels? A static 50 BI isn't perfect in these games according to me, it needs to be more dynamic then that. That's why I'm working on the calculations on my other thread.
And last but not least: If you play these, what stakes do you play and what's your winrate / ROI?