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WPT World Online Championships Satellites Launched on partypoker

The inaugural $100M GTD WPT World Online Championships is just a couple of weeks away, and partypoker is generously giving away $500,000 in tickets through their daily MTT schedule and satellite program. $100M GTD WPT World Online Championships Schedule: July 17 to September 8, 2020 Events: 12 Championship events (including 5 Champions Club status events) Prize pool: $100 million g[...]   Read more » WPT World Online Championships Satellites Launched on partypoker

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WPT World Online Championships Satellites Launched on partypoker  0   
lot of satellites for this big events,especially for main event,where you can win ticket for just 22 $,but prize is very big,1050 $ ticket!other big events are in different type of poker,which give chance for all other players who play also this kind of poker or maybe more then holdem!party poker just know how to work in this poker business!

This series is fabulous for all the players with money who play in this poker room. The restrictions of countries are ugly but this situation is not nice because i would have liked to play in a few tournaments with satellite qualification. I can't do that but it's fine.

With only $3.30 you can play satellites to get a ticket for events of this series . $22 sub satellites to win the $1050 seat , there are a lot of satellites for the players to win cheap their seat on these tournaments for a share of this massive total prize of $100M . You can play a sat for any events you like , there are many kind of games to choose and play in this series . Good luck everyone Smile

We have here serious satellite players, like both of you. I think you are preparing your guns to participate in this, isn´t it? I don´t play too much of them, as I told here because it takes a lot of time and, normally, it has rebuys and add-on format. In this way, if you don´t have good luck, you finally finish paying a value near the real cost of the tournament´s ticket.

You have to participate here if you have a good bankroll in Party Poker because they have very good tournaments and this series is an exceptional one. The chances of winning money are good and there will be enough players to take their stack.

maragatero you make me laugh with this!you know that he cant even play at this site and not to even play this satellites!when he lose 10 $,he get mad and not to invest 3,30 $ or bigger amounts on satellites!if he can start from freeroll,he would,but to invest own money,hell no!

I believe these satellites will be playes by very good players on the greatest majority , so do play them if you have some minimum skills , or else don't play them at all , maybe play directly the games , cause in such tournaments , players are more aggressive , shove/fold charts have to be very good , etc .
Ofcourse , partypoker players are not so pros or extremelly good as pokerstars , that's good . On pokerstars I struggle to win a satellite and get the ticket , even if it's a 5 cent sat , lol , so difficult , I stopped playing these sats on the micros there , I will play a part of this bankroll DIRECTLYY for the micro tournaments , not for any sat , see for 50 games my results , continue to 100 if losses are not great .
So yes , play satellites , but expect a great competition , by very good players , or pros wanting to win more for their bankroll (not that they need them so much some ofthem , lol Smile) If you are moderate or a lot better player , go play them and good luck Smile It's still a good deal , trying to play some of them to see if you get lucky , theyare extremelly cheap , so even losing won't hurt your overall bankroll Smile
Good luck everyone Smile

Obviously my friend, I invest my poker´s money (never MY money in card games) only in spots that I have serious probabilities of win, and it makes a good relation with my bankroll´s management. This way, I make a bank of u$s 2500 in 5 years, and I think that I don´t play less than you. Different strategies dule-vu, or adaptations to different context, don´t you think?

This situation can be good or bad if you invest your own money. I made several deposits with the total of $400 when i started playing for money. I don't have a huge profit but it jumps over $ 6,000. That in a few years but others are very lucky...

Posted by maragatero:
Obviously my friend, I invest my poker�s money (never MY money in card games) only in spots that I have serious probabilities of win, and it makes a good relation with my bankroll�s management. This way, I make a bank of u$s 2500 in 5 years, and I think that I don�t play less than you. Different strategies dule-vu, or adaptations to different context, don�t you think?

you know that I didnt thought on you in that post and you see that I had this word:you know that he cant play!so I didnt say you cant play!everybody have own strategy and something that will play it and use it money on whatevery he want!in last years I play most at casino games,not so much on poker games!

Posted by dule-vu:
Posted by maragatero:
Obviously my friend, I invest my poker�s money (never MY money in card games) only in spots that I have serious probabilities of win, and it makes a good relation with my bankroll�s management. This way, I make a bank of u$s 2500 in 5 years, and I think that I don�t play less than you. Different strategies dule-vu, or adaptations to different context, don�t you think?

you know that I didnt thought on you in that post and you see that I had this word:you know that he cant play!so I didnt say you cant play!everybody have own strategy and something that will play it and use it money on whatevery he want!in last years I play most at casino games,not so much on poker games!

can you dm me ?same nick on fb

Oh you are a gambler dule-vu? That scares me a lot! In games of chance where you can do nothing or almost nothing to guide the result, I feel very uncomfortable. There I feel that only can wait to have some luck, and I haven´t any of that. I start to play poker because I feel that I can make something about the bad or good luck. At least, I can keep playing and avoid to lost all my money

When you play this satellites is the most important thing because protecting of bankroll always can be very good & after that concentrating on the main tournaments, for enough winnings, to help u for a few months after withdrawal. Good luck with that.

I still giving my advise (who nobody claims!) about the risk to dedicate all your money to this mode of play. Here you need the worst relation of bankroll management. To face up the cruel variance that this kind of tournament have, you need a bankroll with more than 250 buy-in, when the bankroll needed in the different formats is: 30/50 in cash, 70/100 in STT, and 100/150 in MTT. (in conservative way)

I saw that you are very consistent with your bankroll but always i told u that: sometimes try to play for satellites that lead to beautiful tournaments. Try to make some money because are necessary. Evil people announce the 2nd wave of covid lies.

Well, it would be with you, just when you started to use a headscarf...good to you! I play satellites, as I told in other threads. And, if they haven´t rebuys and add-on, it likes to me. But I only play for free, with some exception, and only when I have all the time that they claim. I don´t play more ever the chained ones, that force you to spend many hours playing the successive steps.

Life is a struggle my friend, and you don't have to have emotions in games about your bankroll or other dreams. Concentration is the best to qualify via satellites. Main tournament is important & a good fate can be beneficial for this much desired gain.

Posted by maragatero:
Oh you are a gambler dule-vu? That scares me a lot! In games of chance where you can do nothing or almost nothing to guide the result, I feel very uncomfortable. There I feel that only can wait to have some luck, and I haven�t any of that. I start to play poker because I feel that I can make something about the bad or good luck. At least, I can keep playing and avoid to lost all my money

yes,I gamble a lot,just love casino games,slots!before I played poker lot,but in last years I am most of time on slots and sometimes its not about money,I just love to play them and with big stakes!who know what will be in next years,but now I am on them!

The championship events of this WPT World Online Championship , cover so many different games of poker , so everyone can find the games he likes most or that he's best at , and play them to win big . They have 6max , 8max , NLH , PLO , HU , KO , turbo and high roller , PLO H/L , even the so hateful to me mix-max , lol Smile Play satellites ,win your seat and good luck everybody .

Ok dule-vu, and in Croatia which is the dollar relation with your money? you can access to the u&s easily? As I told in another thread, in Argentina that is very problem and expensive. That was a part of my decision to be careful and stingy with USA money. The other is my natural resistance to spend my money in random games. Something with the guilty feeling, I think...

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