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Tschinellen succesfully took home 50 again! Big congratulations to him! Huge smears again! dule-vu, don't you seriously think there will be 100 in the Mobsafe one day? 3438 Mobsafe shots? It is good that you don't get spoiled or you don't have to feed it! I'd buy it from you at half price if I could!
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 13853
if you are lucky, you can win in mob safe several times. Some peoples have won more than 15 times since becoming members. Others less often, and there is another member who is too scared to try again. He has failed many times and now he is a rabbit... to do it again.
Joined: Mar '10
Location: Croatia
Age: 75 (F)
Posts: 1038
Hi,I every day try one free shot and same number, few times when is 40$ I buy 10 shots and always try with same numbers, birthdays of me my family and only won with one free number or 50 when i won on doors
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 13853
you are quite lucky if you managed to open the mob safe 11 times with one attempt or with 50. Many members tried with many or few attempts, but did not guess the code that many times. Their inspiration to pick the numbers brought them success and the others were not inspired when they missed.
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 13853
I have had several misses since 2019, because the bad luck was great. It's not pretty, but it seems like my efforts were in vain. Something seemed to be abnormal and it was not like before. I still hope in the near future, i will be able to open this safe again.
Joined: Dec '14
Location: Greece
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 2370
Buying shots for the mob safe can be proved to be very expensive on the long run , I do not know , has any member had any success that way ??? Anyway , buying just a few shots one time just to try your luck us not bad , maybe you get lucky , but buying far too many shots is not a good idea , you are not guaranteed to win even with the maximum number of shots (400) . I used to buy some tickets for the draw , but I had no result , so I gave up