Trump's approach to politics bears the hallmarks of a bad poker player, author says
Tilt makes someone a much worse player because tilt is very exploitable by other opponents. That means that people can take advantage of it.
So what Trump should be doing, or what any good poker player should be doing, is trying to perform that calculus on themselves and figure out, "OK, how am I emotional? What things get to me?"
Interviewer: In the great geopolitical poker game, if Trump is the guy at the table who is on tilt, can you look from a distance and see what other players are taking advantage of that?
Yeah, absolutely. I think someone who is very, very good at taking advantage of it is Vladimir Putin. And that's very disconcerting. You do not want a leader who's that easy to manipulate.
*Apologies admins if wrong forum, not sure whether it's better in news, poker or off-topic.
Edited by crankmuppet (20 July 2020 @ 13:20 GMT)