Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 22929
if you mean for refferal from you country,you wont get any point for member that you bring to this site,you country isnt on list!you can find out list of countries on your account,paytable section (on end)!sorry,but probably you cant be part of it,only if you find some users from other countries!you have only 60 countries on list!
Joined: Aug '18
Location: Nigeria
Age: 29 (M)
Posts: 144
Posted by dule-vu: if you mean for refferal from you country,you wont get any point for member that you bring to this site,you country isnt on list!you can find out list of countries on your account,paytable section (on end)!sorry,but probably you cant be part of it,only if you find some users from other countries!you have only 60 countries on list!
Oops! It's awful my country isn't among the list...have u ever referred some one to this site,if so how much mob points did u receive?