When Phil Ivey was just new to the world of poker, his humble nature and insatiable thirst to learn about the game endeared him to several other poker pros. He became fast friends with Barry Greenstein, who then introduced the budding Ivey to the "Big Game" in Las Vegas. Impressed by the lifestyle that Greenstein was living, Ivey wanted to enjoy the same level of success, and went on to build an[...] Read more » Phil Ivey gets interviewed by Barry Greenstein on Mental Fitness and How He Got So Great at Poker
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now I dont have time to watch two videos,but probably in next day I will watch them!I can imagine what it was like,when one poker legend interview other poker legend and what question are about!for sure barry have lot of stories and advices to tell to phil,but we all know how great he is already and what he know till now!its good that they make this kind of news and videos!
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Phil Ivey was an eloquent example for many amateurs or poker players with a desire to make money from this ''job''. He learned well and his talent propelled him into the world of professional gamblers. Barry Greenstein another master in this area. They both deserve our respect.
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Nice, two poker legends. They both looking good i heard different rumors over past months how are both broke, specialy barry, but i gues that's why they call it rumors. I recomend everyone Barry's book, ace on the river. He signed and give book everyone who knocks him out of live tourney dont know if he's still do this. Ivey yeah, like every succesfull people he was obsesed and hungry for succes that's why he make it in poker and will probably make in some different areas too.
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ha,ha,its very interesting how he describe players from asia and how they play poker!he now see how they can take long sessions and that he dont understand that they can play for three days in row ! he had probably lot of time to rest,in that period when he had problem with casino and how not to get back them money!
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I love how pasionate he becomes with studying poker , he says it'slike when he plays a video game , he starts it and he wants to finish it . I also had this in the past , i wanted to finish wwhat I started , and when it came to a video game I could play it for two days in a row only to finish it ,and start a new one . Ony RPG I wasn't in a rush to finish them , I liked to play them very slowlhy . lol
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For me, to reading poker strategy is a chore because i don't like it. I know she's good but i've tried in the past and at the low stakes didn't help. You can't bluff with amateurs or many villains. These have ''no character''... and you lose everything with them. Phil Ivey understood this at first and had poker lessons in his mind and that made him play great. He is a big player.
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barry play poker for so many years,that lot of new poker players are not even borned!you can imagine how big experience he have,when he wrote book in 2005,ace on the river!so he had so many years of poker before that book!he was regular at show high stakes poker,which we dont have anymore!
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He wants to meditate , care more for his mental health , for other people as well , that's very nice . not only for money as he did when he was a young man . i hear other middle age men or women , poker playersor not , nowadays with this kind of thinking , I like it , it's a mature way of thinking of life overally , what matters and what not , more and less
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Phil Ivey is fine with his mentality right now, because he got rid of that lawsuit with Borgata Casino and things are changing in better for him. It is much more relaxed and can produce millions of dollars again. We will see that in future.
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Yeah , lol , after geting rid of this lawsuit from this casino , now probably he feels better , he has the time and the mood to concentrate and meditate , relax and feel better , without any doubt . He has all these millions now , he can dedicate some time to do these things for the good of his soul . But if he didn't have all this money , i guess he would have to overcome the stress of the real life ,the stress of the simple man in his everyday life .
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I think that he have this money for whole time,he just dont have it on bank account and he have it in cash!thats why he put everything on his family,that he dont have any property on his name!we all know that he played on last year wsop,so he had money for big buy in and after he won nice amount,they took it from him! so after this episode,he can enjoy normally in this money,no matter will he play poker again or not!
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I would love to see many new poker tables with professional players from the past which were famous ( 15 years ago ) and with big show when they play. They had a special talent and it was not like this decade. Something is different now.
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So by starting the players , not talking to them , giving them this ''Ivey'' aggressive look , he makes them feeling uncomfortable and they go in aggro/defensive mode , they start making mistakes , I guess they make mistkes cause they start fearing him a lot , thinking he he is very good or whatever , maybe he can read their tells , hahahahaaa , in the past Ivey look and behavior was hilarious , I think nowadays he has relaxed very much , i guess all these he says about the change of his mentality must be true , at least partialy , lol
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Phil Ivey has a winning mentality but can't always be professional player who makes best decisions. Any real gambler made big mistakes sometimes and it's normal. They don't have much sense to win almost always or to give up only when they want.
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I like that thing his fathers was telling to him so as not to bul*** him '' don't piss on my face and tell me it's rainning '' , lol . Anyway , now he's with poker kings , I guess probably greenstein is also with poker kings , I will go to check this room to see how it is. Now Ivey plays very few games I guess only homegames because of corona crisis , I guess we'll see him also online on ppoker kings .
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Phil Ivey had some good results this year. He is not the kind of professional poker player who play until ruin, like others gamblers. Gus Hansen (the great dane) or Viktor Blom (isildur 1) have ''this habit''. Anyway he will have good results in future.
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Yes Calicul , Ialso believe this , Ivey is more careful gambler in contrast to some others , like the ones , that you menthioned , who by the way areextremely very gambling figures , Ivey on the other hand , has his friends , he has his circle of known poker people and business men , he plays with them in Macau casinos , maybe also somewhere else , so he chooses his victims and tries to minimise the risk .He also has another style than these two players .
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for me he just know what he doing and know when to play hands and when not,when to bluff,when to push other player,he just have all of that in had!so dont think that he is careful,he just know what do in some position!his and negreanu's had is on some other level and they are borned with this talent of poker!
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I don't know if he does brain exercises, because are strategies in mental strength and more benefits for the body. A strong thinker can be a true professional poker player. An interview with this question should be for players, to realize who is making efforts in have good results and who has talent ''in their blood'' without exercises.
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So Ivey says that these Asians like and are able to stay awake and play very good poker for many hours , some of them even for almost 3 days in a row ?? lol , I remember the best result I have made is 30 hours non stop playing , twice , but in the end I was very tired and started making bad decisions destroying my previous good game results and performance or profits , so I decided more than 14 hours never to play again .