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Which US Presidential Candidate is the Choice of your Favorite Poker Players?

  The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled on Tuesday, November 3. The two contenders for the position are Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Some of the most popular poker players have already revealed who they will vote for next week, and it’s quite a mixed bag. Former online poker pro Nate Silver, who is now a political polling expert, handicaps Biden as a heavy favo[...]   Read more » Which US Presidential Candidate is the Choice of your Favorite Poker Players?

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Which US Presidential Candidate is the Choice of your Favorite Poker Players?  0   
two old mans,but baiden is older and you must choose who is less crazy or eveil!in this case I think that baiden is more crazy and in few weeks he will have 78 years for god sake,but he want to seat for four years in white house!

Current president of United States of America, Donald Trump, can be a great player and i choose him. Joe Biden is a bad man... I don't see him with real chances. He's not that smart for that. Even if he learn a lot, doesn't seem the type for this job.

I see that many poker players , I dare to say most of the poker community , at least the pros and known regs , support Biden . I read the news article , very informative , also I read in the small letters at the end , some other names of poker pros that support Biden , very faqmous , some of the top of the money list , I hope Biden bring a better future for America , cause thia is what Americans wish for above all , and ofcourse a better future and more freedom for the rest of the world . Also I do not know what he thinks of onlinepoker , I hope he is in favour of it , not against it .

I received a negative vote but Joe Biden does not have an poker player mentality and is a corrupt man. That is the truth and he deserves to be arrested. Donald Trump is smarter and plays a lot of theater, but in life proved that his mind works...

antonis poker players have lot of money,they dont take anything from country and they are free to say whatever they want and they dont have boss that they need to be careful!ofcourse in america you have first amendment,where you are free to speak and thats why nobody cant do something against you,ofcourse if you dont say that you will kill somebody!

everyone has his interests , so he supports one of these two candidates because he serves his interests at the best way , I do not know how , I cannot get into the mind of every poker player , to know their connections , what politicians they know , what state they are from , what they voter for last elction or generally which of the two political entities/parties they support in their life if they are commited that way like Brunson I guess lol . I do not know , but everyone has his interests ,.

Ofcourse poker pl;ayers are bosses of themselves , so they tale care of their interests , so they see which of these candidates serve them best . So , yes , this is their firsgt priority . THey don't have necessarily to support sb who is in favor of pokr online or generally or casinos , as long as he is a friend of themselves or of sb they know or he supports a business they own , which they have bought with poker money ofcourse .

If Joe Biden becomes president, a world dictatorship will be established. This man is terrible and has many sins. I don't know what decisions Donald Trump has about people around the world if he wins. I hope he is a good man and will do good things.

So , it is today ,isn't is ?? If I am not mistaken , today isn;t it the big day of the American elections , that we will know who will be the next US prsident Trump or Biden ??Cheked the internet , said sth that the polls close in some minutes or sth , I don't know , I didn't read it , I am more concerned for a tourney that I was busted out now lol .
Cause the basic political agenda for the world I don;t think it will change either it's Biden or Trump , but for the domestic policies , these elcetions are more interesting and concerning for the Americans . If I was an American , i wouls vote for Biden , but with half my heart , only because there is no other candidate instead of him , if only there was ,he is too old .

we have big "fight" and nobody know who will be winner!still lot of votes need to be count,but in this moment its 224 for biden and 213 for trump,ofcourse I mean on electoral votes!who know who will come first to 270,depend ofcourse which country they will get!you can get big number of votes,but to lose everything because of this votes!

I hope that those who vote for me with a minus will see the reality and not forget that people behind Biden want to vaccinate us compulsorily. I don't know who he is because doesn't leave a comment or to think logically. Nobody from these two candidates is good for this planet but if i make a comparison and show truth here... get negative from an amateur in politics or in thinking. He's probably a Satanist.

Biden seems to be first , to be the next american president , I guess in some time everything will be clear , hopefully he invests a lot on the research to find the vaccine for this virus , to improve American people's life and the worls , and why not , to be in favor of online poker ,I do not know what he thinks of onlinepoker , I hope he is is favor and he likes the idea of making again legal online pokerand gambling in all the USA , not only in some states

on fox news biden have 264 and he need only to win in nevada and he will have 270 electoral votes!people already protest on streets,because trump say that they will try to steal votes!this can be very tricky situation and who know will everything finish in next days or they will go on court,as trump want if he lose!

Biden seems to be the first because votes are being stolen in states where he was at a disadvantage. Who voted for me with minus he also agrees with rape and abuse because that candidate for the presidency of the United States is a demon. About Trump i don't know but it's not excluded to be the same.

Posted by CALICUL:
Biden seems to be the first because votes are being stolen in states where he was at a disadvantage. Who voted for me with minus he also agrees with rape and abuse because that candidate for the presidency of the United States is a demon. About Trump i don't know but it's not excluded to be the same.

Prob some kid whos mommy took his xbox so taking the Thumbs Down out on u. Upvoted some to even you out.

Whatever games the politicians are going to play , especially and first of all Trump because he doesn't want to accept hisdefeat , the truth imo is one , Biden will be the next president of the USA and it's a matter of time before this comes to reality , Trump can only buy some time , this is what I think .

Thank you very much Arsenej1. It's not first time when i'm penalized like that, because in the past received about a hundred votes with a minus or more... from 3 mobsters only for their pleasure of revenge. I want people to have a nice behavior. Here everyone had to say their preferences, not to receive a thumb down as long one who did it, does not know the truth. Donald Trump is a smart and strong man. Biden is something else... Now that voter could come up with arguments but only he chose another solution.

now everything is over and every news is that biden is new president!what this will bring to whole world,we will see,we can just hope that they will not make new wars in rest world,but we all know how things go!trump probably will go on court,to try to make something about this votes that came with mail,but dont think that he will much from it!

biden is the new president, I hope he does something good, and does not bring wars and crises in the world, only God knows the future, and if the people chose him something good had to do, well hopefully he does not change for the welfare of the country and of the whole world, you always have to be aware since it is the current world power. and anything can happen.

Biden is the new president of the USA , that's official , the ceremony typically will take place a day during January , can't remember exactly when , that little matters . He is the new president of the gretest power in the world , opefully he brings some good news in all the aspects of our lives the next years . The only bad is he is too old , 77 yearl old , Trump was 70 years old when he was elected , lol .In 4 years the next president will be 90 years old , lol .

I don't like Donald Trump, but prefer i him and not Joe Biden. Many people say that hard times will come for humanity and with the new world order... this is exactly what will happen from my point of view. Now, i hope this is not true because i want a beautiful life.

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