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Magic cards- Party poker  +1   
Is anyone play this? The promos goes like this. For ever point earned in the cash tables you can pick from 4 magic cards and you get the prize. You can get up to 5 cards every day. So i if you play regulary it's pretty easy thing to do. I just started yesterday and i get 2x times 1 dollar insta cash and one time 5 free casino spins. Chek it out guys if you play there! Dollar Thumbs Up

I played it when it was for free few months ago,but how I am not much in poker now,I dont play poker games and I cant earn this points!its nice that they are back with this,because as you say,it easy to earn few points for regular players,so everybody have chance for free gift!

I get 1 dollar free yesterday and two times free spins. Once time 5 free spins and one time 10 free spins. On second one i got three same symbols for free spins and i win it 11,80 dollars from all. I have now question how is the best to wager this. I must wager 118 dollars to get something back. Dule you once advice me which games are the best for wager, can you tell me once more please?

so you can get different prizes and thats good,sometimes free spins,sometimes cash money!hope that you will have luck in next days also!
for me best thing is that you start with slots like starburst which have only 10 lines and minimum bet of 0,10 e!so you will have lot of spins for this money and if you lose few euros,you will still have time to back your money!so try with slot with 0,10 e bets or some that have 0,20,which you like to play!

Yep, i love this promotion more and more haha. Yesterday i get so much luck i just play a little plo for fun and then i get 3 points i wait for and of play to open them and them booom. Firstt one 3 cash, next one 5 cash and last fone 50 dolllars cash, just amazing day on this promotion, still can't believe it.

wow,congratulations to you on this winnings,what a crazy strike and luck for you!I can imagine how you felt when you got this prizes,especially when you dont expect much from it!nice winning and hope that in next days you will also get something great!just play more and more and collect points and prizes!

In last 3 days in didn't play that much so i had only 3 cards to open in 3 days. The two of them were 5 free spins and i get only 5 cents from all of 10 spins and need to wager it too so it's like nothing. Yesterday on one card i get 1 dollar insta cash which is much better, like this prize more of course. Dollar Thumbs Up

At least you had prizes that you can use right away,but ofcourse its better to get this 1 e bonus,that you can play whatever you want!

Yesterday was another solid day too. I play a little plo nl2 hi. I made a few dollars, the games are really easy you just wait for the nuts and that's it. I made a little profit and on top of that i get 2 cards for open then one was 1 dollar and other one 3 dollars. I realy like this promotion Dollar Thumbs Up

only important is that you made few dollars,especially when its from free promotion!

Yep that's true, yesterday i had 4 chances yesterday. I got 2 times 1 dollar and 2 times free spins. One time 5 free spins and other time 20 free spins. But' didn't had too much luck with them. Only get 50 cent from both. I wagered it on blakjack where i had more luck. First i put 10 and double up then i put 20 and hit blakjack finish the session and that was it. I have incredible luck those days.

play here because you will win prizes and money if you have talent

Yep i like party the most for micros for now. Good rakeback, good promotions and player pool is not too hard. Unfurtunately yesterdays i didn't get too much luck with the promotion. I get 1 dollar free and 2x free spins from which i get 5 cents lol. Didn't even bother to wageret it. And i run bad on omaha too. Better days will come i guess.

I hope you are lucky and make money here, because Party Poker has great potential and offers a lot

Yep yesterday was lucky day for me there. From cards not too much i get 1 time 1 dollars free cash, other was just free spins from which i didn't realy get something special and didn't even bother to wager it, but there was one player on omaha who play like crazy all the time and donates me like 10 buy ins lol Thumbs Up Dollar

there are players who donate but others win some amounts of money and they play chaotically

Yep i almost rarely have loosing days there with this promotion and plus 10 percent rakeback promotion. I am not a good player at omaha i admit but you can just sit there and wait for the nuts almost every time someone will pay you out. Or you just find weak spots of players and just pot pot pot lol.


it is good that we earn something from their gifts

Yesterday it was so so day. I play a little bit too aggresively and get tilted. Cards just wasnt' coming and even when i have it, it was bad beat in like 90 percents. But thanks to that promotion i was finish day almost on zero. Get 5 dollar once, twice 1 dollar and 2 times 5 free spins from which i get nothing again.

Its important that you are arround same,if you cant earn more!
This member just spam,to be in front of me,he dont really interested in answering to you!

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