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How good are you at poker?

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so philpax you are only at nl holdem,but on what levels and what buy in-s?if you say that you are elite vip level,I suppose that you play on poker stars and how long did it take to come on this level?
it must be that you wager lot of money every month,when you stay on same vip level!
interesting story,must admit!

today and yesterday i played poor poker because the software was not friendly at all. I received ugly cards and in this way it is very difficult to do something. This is a reason that disappoints me and that's why i don't play poker so often with real money. Before i play tournaments in every day and now i do it 2-3 times a week. The idea is that here it is not random and i noticed this thing many times. Cash games is something else.

past 3months ive won at least 6x 100dollar with 11$ buyinn (t-money tourney at partypoker)

have not entered more then 10 times...won 6x first price...

in regular mtt's i won 3x 1rstprice and 1x 2nd price...all mtt's

im a star now ???
Smile Smile Big Smile Big Smile Cool Cool

ps. forgot a 3rdplace in 3.3$ bounty mtt also me 124 dollar profit

this year i was not lucky at real money poker tables, because i won a little. In free games i won more money even $ 109 or 112.50 dollars, but i failed to win more in games, even if i had few chances. My bad luck or their intention, made me unable to do more. On Monday, i missed the chance to win $ 300 in the one million 888 poker tournament. Bad luck after three hands... Good luck for you, mobsters.

OK, now re-visiting this for final analysts

26 out of 37 peeps believe they are average or above.
16 out of 37 believe they are around average..
Median score is 5.
Average score is just below 5.

Correlated quantities.
Only 11 out of 37 believe they are below average.

Although the data-set was very timed and therefore the degree of uncertainty is high, these values show a remarkable distribution! It is almost exactly what one would expect both in real life and if peeps were truly honest with both themselves and on a survey of this nature.

Kudos to all BRMer's that took part.

3p out

I hope you are lucky with poker, so that you can make a good profit from time to time. The important thing is to play where there are weaker players and to be able to take their money or chips in cash or in other games or tournaments. Good luck with that.

Thank you Calicul, however I am definitely not lucky, hence I have to play a bit nitty especially during early and middle stages, which in itself is a leak... that said, I literally just won a tourney on PS, all the study and practice is finally starting to show and bear fruits.

errr lucky me, lol.

gl all
3p out

Many non-poker players made money from scratch or with a small investment after they learning a little strategy. We need concentration, skills and a little luck when needed. I hope that the day will come when we will win more seriously. Until then, let's be lucky to keep our bankroll safe until the winning day come. Big Smile

I think i am better then overall. Becouse i am winning i think i read somwhere that 80 percent players loose. So if this is true i am better then overall. But the sample is just on micro games when everyone can win with pacient and discipline,so i can not say i am something realy special haha. But try to improve my game and at least winning if not else. Thumbs Up

if you are in plus,then you are better then regular players Blink

Posted by Rogerio10:
... 80 percent players loose.... Thumbs Up

I wrote and ran a program, based on PS old structure, micro stakes, ~15% payouts, 1,000 players and over 1,000 games and 10,000 games, the results were (from memory i.e. not exact) 11% were in profit around 12% were within 2% of buy-in i.e. 200 players were about break-even, only around 5.5% were in a measurable, statically significant profit, only 0.3% (3 peeps) were significant winners e.g. greater than 100% ROI.

Of course in real life if you are in the last "significant winner" grouping, you should probable move up stakes before the 1,000 games and your ROI will most likely come down but dollars go up.

Over and above this and most other analysis's, if you play for fun and lose a bit, it is probably OK (more fun to win tho!), if you play and want to win, as long as you lean with each experience, win or lose, it is probably OK. Key is realistically and consistently analysing your game, finding your leaks and plugging them, doing very specific study on tricky spots or where you do not do well and repeat ad nauseam.

My current, most significant and in need of urgent attention leak (shhh, don't repeat!) - Big Blind defence ranges.

gl all
3p out

we all know that is hard to play just for fun and that with your play your want to earn money,not to be even!

Yeah in first you play for fun but then you read all forums and challanges of other and think damn this could really get me some money. But we are 15 years late to just print, when i heard stories from old grinders in casino it's just crazy how much some ones won just playing abc, or if you play a little bit more loose agressive people were just now know what to do and could print easly.

yeah,after so many years you will start playing for bigger amounts and you will try to earn a lot!

1 year later. I still have the same weaknesses on poker , it's evolving all the time , new ranges , different results for same positions and hands , more aggressiveness . If you are not ITM in a good average position and your bankroll has no good news , then better evolve or take a long break and come back stronger Smile

Just play every day and you will be better!good luck on tables!

Bring honest and open our selves up by openly and publicly identifying our weaknesses should not be clouded by variance or other items out side of our control.

Evolving is not a weakness and not within your control.

Fundamental ranges are kind of established by GTO, studying specific spots, creating ranges and tricks to memorize the same, is first and last study, then when to diverge from those ranges is pure poker.

Also depend what somebody want from poker,to play few hours per week,to spend some free time or to play every day on regular base and to earn money!

Haven't been playing a lot last years. But on Unibet it seems to be a bit easier to get good results. Thé tournaments were like around 200 players. So it wont take that long to play for thé prices. Won couple of tournaments there. But thé Profit is a lot smaller than playing on PokerStars or other sites like that. It's a good way to get some experience in playing final tables. Good to build up your bankroll in a steady pace. But to get that big wins it wont happen on Unibet


today i made a 355 dollars withdrawal ($ 351 after fees) from a poker room, because Easter is coming up on April 24th and i need to buy some beer, wine, grilled meat, etc... A little money, but this is the situation, i couldn't do more from December until today in that room.

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