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Joined: Sep '19
Location: Peru
Age: 29 (M)
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I think I am a player who is in the average, I am playing micro limits and I am a winner, every day I try to learn from my mistakes and I think that is my best virtue to improve in this game, that way you can climb the levels and go further in this mental game that is poker, which I like very much.
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Posted by 3pokeronly:
Posted by ligador37: especially in KOs, where many players go all in with rubbish hands in order to get the bounty (risking their own buy-in, which I sometimes don't understand). Cheers
Hi ligador37, bounty tournaments have different maths behind when it is correct to call or even shove and put pressure on the smaller stacks, and the values change as the tournament progresses. As an example say you got short and have 1,000 chips left our of a 5,000 stack and the bounty value is 50% of buy-in (less rake) your current stack is worth 20% of your buy-in, however your stack and bounty is worth 70% of total buy-in, therefore calling you down with ~14% EV or more is almost correct, hence lots of s**t goes down (SGD). The maths above is not logical and other would say the bounty is worth approx 5 times stack at this point, (which makes 120%?? impossible?) which means even more calls? (SGD II)
and as, as per above, the values change as the tournament progresses. FYI: I do not like bounty tournaments and very rarely play them for just such reasons.
Good luck mobsters 3p out
Thanks for writing dear. And I understand a lot of what you say and it is correct. I know that in bounty tournaments different math applies compared to other MTTs. But what I was saying is that even when they shouldn't pay, they do! It is not EV +. I honestly think they are not good players when they do and I try to take advantage of that. You have to be careful in the first levels, and play very strong hands (looking to isolate yourself vs 1 single player). That's why I like bounty, but let it be 3max or head ups
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
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I was good at poker today, but i didn't make any money. I won a qualification of $109 for day 1 at 1,000,000 Big Shot Day and right now i play in the second qualifying tournament for the main one
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
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I did give my honest answer on your question and on your pool,same as vote,so I didnt do anything wrong!it was answer on some other members post in this thread! I think that is very good thread and pool! pochui is out for long time and nobody know where he is and what happend to him!too bad,he was great member!
Posted by philpax: Online i'm pretty good in top 20% however in person, I never seem to do well so I must have some tells.
Do you drink playing live? Do you run out of patience? If neither of those, and you mention tells, you have identified a possible issue, unless you only play really good players live and micro stakes muppe'ts online. Either way, you need to practice your "poker-face", which means be nice and social when not in a hand and do nothing when in a hand, do not talk, answer any question, tell jokes, look around etc etc if possible practice with a group of mates you trust, get them to evaluate and try to get a read on you, when they do ask them exactly what, when etc, practice some more, rinse repeat.