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Joined: Feb '14
Location: Tunisia
Age: 36 (M)
Posts: 2135
everyone would say that they are good at poker you cant judge your own skills poker depends on bankroll and stamina thats right stamina , you have to be mentally strong to handle the ups and downs and you have to be ready to play long hours also poker does depend on luck , so the best poker player of all time might not be famous cause he had bad luck and gave up with no bankroll you can play 12 hours in a tournament then you put your whole stack with the nuts on the turn thenn you lose on the river with only 2 outs then bye bye 12 hours , if you can handle that consistently then you have potential to be good player
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 22950
we all know who is freeroll player and this site and who bag for more money! hope that some other members will vote in this pool and that they will post some comment here to read about it,no matter do they play poker every day or twice in week!
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 13853
ghost, you play poker 3 times per year, because u don't have money or you are too stingy. I haven't seen you at poker tables in last years, and i don't know if u played before. What i mean is that almosy all members who wrote here in the past or now, know that u are the member who wants points from this site, because u only makes deposits with brm money. Very rarely with your personal money.
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 13853
when you have no results in poker games, u can't afford to talk. At least i win something with poker. I have a profit of over $ 6,000 in recent years only from scratch with freerolls. It's very little, but in contrast with a ghost i took something. I think you're down with poker. Learn more and after that risk your own money.
Joined: Dec '20
Location: Canada
Age: 63 (M)
Posts: 24
Thanks for your reply and helpful advice. I try not to play any serious poker both online or live if I'm enjoying a few drinks. I learned long ago that my instinct, impulsiveness, awareness and greed are negatively affected by alcohol and seriously affects my game. When I play live, I don't play high stakes or serious players and it's more for socializing and enjoyment. Online, bring it on!