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Joined: Dec '11
Location: Uruguay
Age: 37 (M)
Posts: 1025
Please do not detract from the thread. It was created for a reason (a very good one for me) and they are simply changing the object of it. Don't make the thread lose interest by making unnecessary comments. Please just vote in the poll, and comment on the matter. Thanks
I personally have never banned or blocked anyone on any site, social media etc
If anyone wants to argue off of this topic I will ask admin to do block or ban as appropriate.
Some may have of already been warned, this could have serious consequence!
Note: have blocked offensive pictures, mainly topless Brazilian males, wear a shirt for god sake, you are at a table, not on the beach!
3p out
Posted by philpax: It depends...
Totally agree with entire post, The prevailing current structures of the payout table allows the minor places to recirculate basically the same money over and over or loses, only finishing final table or at least deep in the larger field tournaments can you show any significant profit and then we are talking about top 1% or so, so, if you can get there at a greater percentage than 1% of your entries.. PROFIT!! which means obviously ~99% of the time, minimum reward or bust, variance and down-swing abound.
Gl all
3p out
Edited by 3pokeronly (27 September 2021 @ 02:44 GMT)
Joined: Dec '20
Location: Canada
Age: 63 (M)
Posts: 24
Hi ligador37, bounty tournaments have different maths behind when it is correct to call or even shove and put pressure on the smaller stacks, and the values change as the tournament progresses....
Agree. In the past I tried a few Bounty Tournaments and never did well for the reasons you mention. I play exclusively NL Holdem now and try to improve my skills on that game only for obvious reasons.
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 13853
we must to learn some strategy based on the games which we want to play, because this poker and his games have different ways of attack, depending on many things including mathematics. Good luck with that and i wish you success in learning better.