partypoker Posted on 03 December 2021 by "K".
This week is a very exciting one for all partypoker players as the poker room has finally launched their brand new tables, improving not only their looks but functionality as well.
partypoker has intently listened to hundreds of comments from you, their amazing players, about how their tables look and feel, and noted down those comments to create an entirely new poker-playing experience that ev[...] Read more » Check out the Awesome New partypoker Tables!
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Age: 29 (M)
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I really like that partypoker has improved its platform with unique features, I think that way many will play more often, no matter if they lose or win the important thing is to enjoy what we most want is to play and in very friendly platforms.
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yes, these changes are always to improve and the results are amazing, plus we all benefit, hopefully the other rooms realize this and begin to follow in the footsteps of partypoker, we constantly want to see changes for the welfare of the user.
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hello my fellow mobster That is the poker room that I really miss here in Portugal only 888 and Pokerstars are avaiable better then nothing but If Party comes to here I will go there in a hurry
Imiss playing there Best regards to all you mobsters best luck to you all and hope to see you at the tables soon
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I really like it when the poker rooms are concerned not only to have many promotions but also to make the user feel satisfied playing at tables that he likes a lot, that way he will appreciate a lot and it will depend on whether he plays in that room or not, partyppoker has done well and if it comes more news.
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We all want our tables to be well structured when we play poker, and I think that partypoker has understood this perfectly, as it had several years of not updating its platform, now it has done so, it is very good, we hope to see more news in the future.
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Every time I play on partypoker I like it much more, the software of the tables I love, and I think I was waiting for that, and that is not the last, the players always expect to implement more innovations and thus be able to enjoy the game much more.
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Who knows how to play cash should try in Party Poker, because here you can find more weak players and create a good bankroll. After that to play in more tournaments and try to win something more. Good luck with that