Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 22657
tony I did write here so many times,but you just dont want to do anything with this stupid and old member from croatia,but now its just enough! he have 50 years and every day he come just to give thumbs down,even he dont care what I write,what is subject!he dont write posts at all!I dont have my privliege to give thumbs for years,why he would? and he do all this things just because I am not croat!he is sick! how we also have problem with another member,but that I would like that you contact me with private message,that I can ask you more! thank you!
Joined: Aug '07
Location: Malta
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 8338
We have restored your general rating privilege, but it will be taken away again quickly if you start to rate posts based on the author instead of the content.
We have also restricted another member from rating your posts. Generally we don't intervene with such things as it's a huge waste of time, having to babysit adult men. But in this case we feel that the ratings were mostly towards the member (you) and not the content posted.