The UK's Betting and Gaming Council (BGC) issued a call for operators involved with sports sponsorship to also promote the importance of safer gambling.
According to the Betting and Gaming Council, a further push to promote safer gambling must go "hand in hand" with bookmakers' sponsorship of sports such as football, darts and racing.
BGC chief executive Michael Dugher said it was crucial for hi[...] Read more » BGC encourages Sports Sponsorship to promote Safer Gambling
Joined: Jan '14
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Age: 45 (M)
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This is beneficial because people will know more details to protect themselves from these unsafe games. This strategy must be well maintained and people will have more confidence. This thing brings customers, profit, players will have more confidence and will be very good.
Joined: Dec '14
Location: Greece
Age: 41 (M)
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Safer gambling , why not Advertisements to make people be more carefull with gambling , so as to protect the younger is fine by me . Teens or younger people have access to their parents money nowadays , the could start gambling from very young age , so some prevention measures or good advertisements is for a good cause
I checked the causes where they gave money , most money went to horse racing not to football , strange to me it seems .
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
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on lot of ways they want to restrict gambling in uk or just to put some safty things that people cant spend lot of money on it!some of them are good,some of them are bad!