Don't stop playing!!! The further into the forest, the more firewood! It all started 12-15 years ago with slot machines in pavilions, I could sit for 30-40 hours playing video poker! Always either completely empty or thick, no middle ground! An apartment, a car, etc., everything is on the line (((Now online and the assortment has only increased and slots and poker and bingo and bookmaker!!! count@@@ ska and the result is no matter how much I win 90% I will drive back!
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 13856
Paradoksss18, i don't know what you want to say and nobody else will understand that. I have no idea because your words does not exist. When u make a mistake use the edit function to see what you wrote. Good luck with that.
Interesting comment! I think he just lost a lot on gambling poor guy... had a lot of alcohol, got drunk and ended up on this forum... The problem starts when gambling goes from fun to addiction!! I have seen many an existence ruined that way... I hope he is ok now and has recovered!!