Joined: Sep '19
Location: Peru
Age: 29 (M)
Posts: 5951
I just want to show my gratitude to this site bankrollmob because since I met it for the first time in an ad it caught my attention and showed me that it was a very serious site where you could get points and earn money to play casino and poker, I already have several years and I will always be grateful to them, they helped me a lot to start from scratch to grow in poker and I think everyone else too, that's why I also want your comments, how bankroll has helped you to grow in these games?
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 22091
We all know what brm can offer to members,what they give and that they are only site that give you money just because you are active on site! Nice that you show that with this thread!