The new consumer protection guidance, which gambling operators are required to take account of, shall help them abide by the new rules coming into effect in September.
The Commission announced in April the new rules to ensure online gambling businesses do more to be able to detect customers at risk of harm and implement the necessary measures to protect them. The updated consumer protection gui[...] Read more » UKGC releases New Guidance to Protect Consumers and maintain Safer Gambling
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 13856
Consumer protection matters a lot because players risk money and they need to be as safe as possible. I hope the new protection will be very good and the players will be satisfied and happy
Joined: Dec '14
Location: Greece
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 2371
Now with the rise of the cost of living , they want to take more measures to protect players who are more vurnable to harm . I think the market by itself , nowadays , is able to protect the customers , having many tools for their customers , giving them the chance to be protected from grea losses . So , I believe that governments should not introduce new laws or rules , the existing ones are more than enough to protect players . Also , if a player is so addicted and wants to play all his money , nothig can stop him , he can find ways , play with the system ....