Joined: Aug '08
Location: Poland
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 856
wins and losses often come in waves, and the worst thing is more often losses, of course, because with a bad streak our head starts to work badly and we often try to get back at it and do stupid things, be it playing poker, casino or betting. Then we often play what we normally wouldn't play, we enter too high stakes, etc etc ... Then the casinos earn the most ...
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
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we all know that you can lose on any hand, to have bad periods, no matter do you play poker, casino games , you bet on sports, you play live games! every player have this kind of plays and younger players must learn that! it just time to know when to stop and to take a break and wait that everything come on place!
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
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online poker is not easy at all because the software always work to destroy you and most of the important hands are won by the opponents. It's really not nice, but the players accept it, even if we win less than we deserve.
Joined: Jun '11
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 53 (M)
Posts: 1343
Pity there was no bad beatbonus, then you would be talking about a good bad beat story .but it's always going to be part of poker,sometimes it's in your favour but most of the time it feels like it's against you,you just have to manage the bad beats and stay off tilt. Glgl