The United Kingdom Gambling Commission (UKGC) shall be updating its survey questions on gambling harm, including a wider range of harms, specifically non-financial ones and harm that is caused by someone else's gambling habits.
Also to be added to in the next survey are questions related to suicide, the UKGC said.
Suggested improvements based on the new survey questionsThe questions were teste[...] Read more » UKGC to expand Scope of Gambling Harm Survey Questions
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United Kingdom is a big country with many responsible people, who work to protect their citizens who know their rights. In the present case, this is proven once again.
IRL on a good day gambling only harms your wallet, but then you should never even play with money you cannot afford to lose. I'd even argue that casual gambling (scratchcards, raffles, lottery, bingo) are even more harmful in some ways because they are presented as harmless pastime activities you could do with your mates for cheap, but altogether you are spending money on such minuscule odds it's ridiculous you'd even try them out.