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Christmas Calendar 2022: Prize & Lottery Winners

Thanks for participating in our 2022 Christmas Calendar! Here's some useful information... If you won a prize: A quick note for all of you that won a prize in our December 2022 Christmas Calendar. We have already sent a list of all winners to the sites where you won prizes from, so be sure to check your player accounts regularly during January, as some prizes might expire if not used within a[...]   Read more » Christmas Calendar 2022: Prize & Lottery Winners

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Christmas Calendar 2022: Prize & Lottery Winners  -1   
Heart Thanks for participating in our 2022 Christmas Calendar - we hope you stick around for all the great bonuses we have to offer, and see you again for our next Christmas promo! Chained to <a href="mobword.asp?m=poker" target="_blank" class="adLink" title="poker" rel="nofollow">poker</a>

Edited by Administrator (13 January 2023 @ 12:31 GMT)

Thats not cool every year i participate and nothing. I had 81 tickets i so disappointed.

I won a $50 amazon gift card in this lottery for the number of clicks and door openings from the holiday calendar. Thank you very much Bankrollmob you are great Smile The admin exchanged it for points so I could order a withdrawal to skrill. Has the second lottery for tickets already taken place?

Congratulations to all winners! I got only one prize with mob shots! Wish I could change them, but thanks brm!

haha dule -vu You love them, if it goes on like this you will have a million of them in your account Blink I didn't see that the second lottery has already taken place and there is a list of winners. Congratulations to all who won and thanks to Bankrollmob for organizing the holiday calendar of prizes and sweepstakes.

here are many winners Smile

Yes congratulations to all winners, it's the first time ever I won one of those prizes in the Christmas calendar and it's one of the biggest one. I won 1 of the two 4000 mobpoints. Thanks BRM Thumbs Up

congratulations to all the winners of this calendar, and to those who also participated in it, this time I could not win but I am happy for what bankrollmob is doing with its users, enjoy the prizes and continue participating in this page.

I am usually not lucky to win in the special Christmas lottery, even if i had 81 or 87 tickets, but this is the situation. Good luck to the winners, except for one of them...

Congratulations to the winners. Every year I break all the boxes and in the lottery I never win anything. But what bad luck

Posted by yayoav:
Congratulations to the winners. Every year I break all the boxes and in the lottery I never win anything. But what bad luck

same like me, but this is the situation.
I don't understand why it doesn't show the earnings of each member Confused

Vielen Dank an endlich habe ich dieses Jahr auch Mal was in der Weihnachtslotterie gewonnen.
Ich bin damit vollkommen zufrieden und glücklich.
Ich habe nämlich einen der fünf Mal 2000 Mob Punkte gewonnen. Wie gesagt vielen lieben Dank und macht immer schön weiter so. &#128521;&#128077;

Posted by Nymphomanen:
Vielen Dank an endlich habe ich dieses Jahr auch Mal was in der Weihnachtslotterie gewonnen.
Ich bin damit vollkommen zufrieden und gl&#65533;cklich.
Ich habe n&#65533;mlich einen der f&#65533;nf Mal 2000 Mob Punkte gewonnen. Wie gesagt vielen lieben Dank und macht immer sch&#65533;n weiter so. &#128521;&#128077;

The chat only allows English language
Congratulations for what you won
Thumbs Up

Hi Admin, pedant
I notice only 48 names and a blank bullet point, I therefore assume one mobster won two prizes and the blank bullet point was for someone that was mistakenly missed in the copy and paste to here and the mail out that sorts between 0 (zero) and agyatlan....
Well what do you know 3p fits in there nicely?!?
Well done all winners.
3p out

I was unlucky in the long-awaited draw, congratulations to all the winners. But today I received $10 in my PokerKing account that I won in the Christmass Calendar promotion. Big Smile
Thank you to Bankroll Mob and your sponsors. Worship

Congratulations Big Smile

Hi guys and Thankyou to BankrollMob for my gift of 50 mob shots. Sadly I missed the target on each attempt, but it was great to win something in the Christmas raffle.
Well done to all Mobsters who won in this promotion especially TOMEX who I know ha s been very excited waiting for it.
As for all of you who are disappointed that you have not won anything, I have been a mobster for 11 years and this is the first year I have won something on the raffle, so maybe next year for you eh!
Thanks again BRM

every year I get some prizes from big lottery,at least one prize,but this year is maybe worst prize,mob shots prize! its great to see that we have lot of different winners and see you in december on new xmas calendar! congratulations to all winners and damors wish you more luck in next years Big Smile

congratulations to all the winners of this calendar

enjoy in prizes Big Smile

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