Joined: Aug '08
Location: Poland
Age: 41 (M)
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for me it's also black magic with this code to the safe, to decipher it you have to be incredibly lucky.. I have an account since 2008 and so far I've managed to break into the safe only once, and it was funny in one attempt. You definitely need to have more shots from the calendar to increase the odds otherwise it's a 1 in 9999 chance
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
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Posted by tomex11: for me it's also black magic with this code to the safe, to decipher it you have to be incredibly lucky.. I have an account since 2008 and so far I've managed to break into the safe only once, and it was funny in one attempt. You definitely need to have more shots from the calendar to increase the odds otherwise it's a 1 in 9999 chance
the chances are from 1,000 numbers because 000 also works