Joined: Jan '22
Location: Hungary
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Good evening everyone!!! Two weeks ago I was drawn in the weekly mob lottery, I can honestly say I didn't think I would win in the lottery!!! I would have thought that you could win real money on the mob, since then I've been more inclined to open a calendar with the chef as well I'm trying, but it hasn't been hacked yet, I don't know how someone managed to hack it 6,7 times.
------------ Sometimes what I write and you translate from English to Hungarian does not match what I wrote!!!
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Age: 45 (M)
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people can open the mob safe many times, because they can use multiple attempts. The maximum is 400 per 24 hours. When they win at calendar shots, some members keep in their account until they accumulate this number and after that they try.
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Congratulations, you are very lucky to win so many points in one day, I am impressed. I haven't scored any points yet. Although I had two wins, it was 50 attempts to guess the code to the safe and 100 lottery tickets. Of course, I look and check the calendar every day, and maybe I can find something again. Maybe this time it will be mafia points.
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I won the mob draw today,its been a while but worth the wait, I had 200 tickets this week so it's just a matter of being in it to win it. Thanks BRM and glgl all the mobsters out there.
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Age: 45 (M)
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Posted by callie28: I won the mob draw today,its been a while but worth the wait, I had 200 tickets this week so it's just a matter of being in it to win it. Thanks BRM and glgl all the mobsters out there.
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calie28 big congratulations. So far, I have never won the Sunday lottery. Despite the fact that I hit the 100 mob draws ticket the most often of all the rewards from the calendar. I'm having no luck with this lottery, but my first win has to come eventually. I also had 100 tickets this week.
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Age: 41 (M)
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Menangan yes you are right that it is rare to win two prizes on one day from the calendar. It happened to me twice, but it was like the Christmas calendar in December. Although from what I see when I go through the winners from a given day, other people can win two prizes.