Joined: Jan '09
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Can you collect all the 5000 points by posting to forums and can you cash out less than 5000 mob points because i really would like to have more money in ful tilt
Joined: Jan '09
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Age: 34 (M)
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Buy draw tickets, get referrals, that helped me a bit. Im on my way to my 5000 mobpoints goal haha, I hope someday i can win the draw or even unlock that damn box
Joined: Jan '09
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 47 (M)
Posts: 43
Yea looks like the best way is to refer all your friends. Use face book or mspace to send a message to all your friends, some of them are bound to play poker and lets face it who does not want free money
Joined: Feb '09
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Age: 42 (M)
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Posted by dunotra:
Posted by zohaan: how many point i get to refer frnd ???????
You need to be an affiliate first before you can get point's for referals....the points you get depends on where thay are from (country) you can check it all out by going to your mob account (top right on all pages) good luck.
Posted by mcsnakey765: im looking for away to make as much points as possible over the next few days
Please help
Same here mate we are all trying to do the same thing. But if you realy mean it just deposit $ 10000.00 into my account by credit tranfer and I will turn that into $50000.00 in 5 min's..... But you will have to give me all your bank detals so I can pay you. And can I have your house keys just for securty.
hahaha that was hilarious. But yeah good way collect points is take bonus offers.
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Posted by abarr: Yea looks like the best way is to refer all your friends. Use face book or mspace to send a message to all your friends, some of them are bound to play poker and lets face it who does not want free money
Yes face book and sites like that are good for add's but there are alot allready on there just go on youtube and do a search for "Bankrollmob" and see how many videos come back.
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Malaysia
Age: 48 (M)
Posts: 76
Well, i think posting the referral link in your own blog, participating in most money making forum and promote it there, post in the forum daily, take as much offer here as you can, with this way, you will able to reach the minimum points soon.
Joined: May '09
Location: Belgium
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 26
Posted by bustya: You could use an autofolder to play 20 tables of low limit holdem. **removed**
If you played during happy hour at full tilt, you would earn '2X the points'.
software auto play like that can get banned forever at full tilt poker, and auto flop without see the table is not good in long run, because at some condition you can steal the pot at any hands