The UKGC has published further data which showed increase in betting and slots activity in the UK.
Sourced from operators, the data covers a 3-year period, between March 2020 and March 2023, of online and land-based gambling done in Licensed Betting Operators (LBOs) found on Britain's high streets.
The report includes information that came from approximately 80% of the market, as some operator[...] Read more » Betting and Slots Activity increased in the UK, says 3-Year Data
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ofcourse it increased, especially in period of corona, because they look from 2020. till 2023. and we all know what happend in last years! but ofcourse even after that in whole world pepople gamble more and love to spend money online, not just in uk! we all know what measures they give to uk players and what restrictions they have when they play slots, but they still wager lot of money! now they want to bring new rules!
BankrollMob Forum » News » Betting and Slots Activity increased in the UK, says 3-Year Data