Joined: Dec '14
Location: Greece
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 2371
online aces can get cracked very easily . you shouldnt limp or slow play aces , only if you have the nuts on the flop . if you limp and you dont get a raise or reraise and you cant shove it all preflop , be aware , be ready to fold postflop , with many in the hand , many limpers , the possibility for your aces to lose id great . better be carefull with traps so as not to trap yourself in one of them .
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
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Posted by antonis321: online aces can get cracked very easily . you shouldnt limp or slow play aces , only if you have the nuts on the flop . if you limp and you dont get a raise or reraise and you cant shove it all preflop , be aware , be ready to fold postflop , with many in the hand , many limpers , the possibility for your aces to lose id great . better be carefull with traps so as not to trap yourself in one of them .
Joined: May '10
Location: Slovakia
Age: 62 (M)
Posts: 76
Well, aces are better for flop combinations, but very treacherous, I try to play them variably, limp, raise, all-in, depending on the situation, it doesn't always work out, but who wouldn't go all-in on them