Joined: May '10
Location: Slovakia
Age: 62 (M)
Posts: 76
I have tried several times to send an invitation email to my friend through your Brm site, so that he could register on your Brm site, but without success. In your form for sending invitation emails, I enter his name and email address, the Brm website informs me that the email was successfully sent, but nothing comes from my friend. Where am I making a mistake?
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Age: 41 (M)
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I have never tried this . Also I never copy paste and invitation code link , affiliate link I think it's called , on a forum . I read that brm might punish spam , and forums don't accept this , regarding as free advertising or what ever . I have a specific forum onind which demands first permission by mods for such things
But to send by email ? That I didn't know to tell the truth .
Joined: May '10
Location: Slovakia
Age: 62 (M)
Posts: 76
Prečo ma povžuješ za nesprávneho človeka,preto že pýtam od vás radu? Veď tam je možnost poslat priatelovi mail na registráciu,chcel som to využit,čo jo v tom zlé,nechapem. Veď ja za to nemožem,že ten mail sa nedá poslat.
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Posted by IVKA06: Prečo ma pov�uje� za nespr�vneho človeka,preto �e p�tam od v�s radu? Veď tam je mo�nost poslat priatelovi mail na registr�ciu,chcel som to vyu�it,čo jo v tom zl�,nechapem. Veď ja za to nemo�em,�e ten mail sa ned� poslat.
IVKA06 , you have a problem with English or google translate ?
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Location: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
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what a surprise, a new thread in English, you can see that you can if you want, I don't know why you don't understand that here are rules and you have to be followed and when everything is in order you will get help from older members, everything you are interested in