Joined: Oct '15
Location: Costa Rica
Age: 60 (M)
Posts: 37
The “poker face” is not important when playing online because players cannot see each other. Here are some key reasons:
1.Anonymity: In online poker, players are behind a screen, which eliminates the ability to read facial expressions or body language. 2.Focus on Strategy: Without the distraction of facial expressions, players can focus more on strategy, odds, and betting. 3.Tools and Statistics: Online players often use software and tools to analyze the game, providing an edge based on data rather than intuition based on observation. 4.Game Speed: Online matches are typically faster, leaving less time trying to read your opponents. Do you like to play more online or do you prefer in-person games?
Joined: Dec '14
Location: Greece
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 2260
Hiding your body language , your facial expressions during a live poker game is essential, I agree . You can give away so much info about your poker hand through your reactions And some poker players are masters at reading another player .
Joined: Oct '10
Location: Slovenia
Age: 46 (M)
Posts: 28
Posted by antonis321: Hiding your body language , your facial expressions during a live poker game is essential, I agree . You can give away so much info about your poker hand through your reactions And some poker players are masters at reading another player .
Joined: Dec '14
Location: Greece
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 2260
I ve seen many crazy appearances and behaviour at the table by players trying to hide their mouth or all face when they are on the hand . Wearing hoodies , masks , glasses , trying not to talk at all , even when they must answer , like when the opponent asks him how many chips he has in his stack .
There are tells also online , especially if you know other player's tendencies. But the biggest problem online is not the tells but the stupid RNG that causes most problems . The absence of this R-ng in live poker is a good reason to try playing live poker , at least one time .