Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
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You had 3500 tickets, but it wasnt enough for 2 prize! So it was less then 10000 tickets, for example 9600 and it was just for 1 and rest will go in next draw! I had 200 tickets from calendar and also didnt won! It was better for you to wait and collect 5000 then to invest so much on draw!
Joined: Aug '07
Location: Malta
Age: 42 (M)
Posts: 8340
Posted by doaga:
There was 1x5000$ prize at mobdraw; i buyed 3500 tickets after that, and still 1x prize after drawing winners; so, where are those extra points ?
With one 5000 MobPoints prize, there were over 5000 MP in the pot, could even be 9999 MP.
After you purchase 3500 MP, there's a slight delay before the pot updates. But it's possible that maybe the total ended up at 8500-9500 MP after your purchase, so there was still only a single prize of 5000 MP, meaning the remaining would be carried over to next weeks draw.