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BankrollMob Forum » Off-Topic » How do u play AA

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I hope my position is Big Blind when i get AA. I raise 4 BB and for every limper +1 BB. If somebody re-raise i raise. I try to get all-in before flop. In the flop i bet 3/4 pot or 100% pot if there is flush or straight draw. All-in as soon as possible is my way to play AA.

Posted by bughime:
If there is no raise in front of you you raise 4 BB + 1 BB for every limper, if there was a raise you re-raise 3 times the original raise (or go all-in). After the flop you play it very aggressive especially if it's a draw heavy board (if you hit an A on the flop and there are no draws you could slowplay it)

This is good advice but in my experience it is very hard to 4bet in early position on a tight table...
I belive that you should play AA depending on your table if you are a maniac and you know you have the table image of a maniac go all in you'll get payed more often than not, as long as they dont gang up on you and make it a multi-way pot.
If you are a tight player and have the table image of one then you should just call then over bet the flop, providing there are no made draws or flush's. in my opinion a overbet is a very powerfull tool as when a tight player overbets a pot he has often missed altogether.

Posted by xxxbchxxx:
If you are a tight player and have the table image of one then you should just call then over bet the flop, providing there are no made draws or flush's. in my opinion a overbet is a very powerfull tool as when a tight player overbets a pot he has often missed altogether.

This is an invitation for disaster. To easy to get outflopped.

I agree with 'xxxbchxxx'. And according to Allen Cunningham you should limp AA approximately 1 of 5 times. But that's about short-table (it works for me, cause I usually play short ring). Playing full-ring limp is more dangerous and perhaps you will have -EV on flop. However, as 'xxxbchxxx' said you should think of your image and your opponents' ones first. And don't forget about position. So it all depends on a concrete situation...

I rais 4bb+3bb and flop null make all in

Posted by xxxbchxxx:
Posted by bughime:
If there is no raise in front of you you raise 4 BB + 1 BB for every limper, if there was a raise you re-raise 3 times the original raise (or go all-in). After the flop you play it very aggressive especially if it's a draw heavy board (if you hit an A on the flop and there are no draws you could slowplay it)

This is good advice but in my experience it is very hard to 4bet in early position on a tight table...
I belive that you should play AA depending on your table if you are a maniac and you know you have the table image of a maniac go all in you'll get payed more often than not, as long as they dont gang up on you and make it a multi-way pot.
If you are a tight player and have the table image of one then you should just call then over bet the flop, providing there are no made draws or flush's. in my opinion a overbet is a very powerfull tool as when a tight player overbets a pot he has often missed altogether.

Thus many who would dump on pre, will receive chance to bit my pocket rockets (everything, stright, flush or set).

One tip: If u have 2up or 3up your stak and U want to leave - but u cant because u have aces: try some impressive raise like 15BB or reraise to allin for every raise.

Regards. Big Smile

Raise and reraise pre flop always.
isolate one oponent.
Dont try to catch more oponent to win more money you will lose alot.

try to play on heads up.

woul utg, raise mtg and 4bb+1bblimp on co and button and SB BB

what hand? I dont see anythihng Smile
but with AA you should always go allin

today i learned that only an all in is the right way to keep out gamblingcallers Aww crap!
( but i think there would be caller with j2 or else too )

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