By the time you are reading this notice, our new design has already been launched. Since BankrollMob started in 2007, we have had "two and a half" designs.
First we wanted to get something that really said "mafia", so in 2007 BankrollMob looked like this (image 1).
It didn't take too long till we figured that it was probably too dark after all, so we changed the "main content background color" t[...] Read more » Welcome to the new BankrollMob design 2009
Yes wery good job. Seems to be in '' The untouchbles '' movie. So Admin, now you have to chenge your avatar: try with Roberto De Niro featuring Al Capone Why is is all smaller ?
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Ireland
Age: 48 (M)
Posts: 399
Looking good, ni Firefox issues here. have you all updated your firefox?
One thing though, during the face-lift you should really have removed any bankroll offers that don't exist until they actually come back. As it is misleading. Still no Vulcan or Absoloute offers available yet they're still up on the list. This might confuse new members.
Joined: Oct '08
Location: Netherlands
Age: 65 (M)
Posts: 2193
Posted by Administrator:
Posted by MANUEDO: Why is is all smaller ?
Because we want to force those who needs glasses, to go and buy them (because they need)
Yes I do like the new look but the text is a little small.... but hay I am not geting any jonger so maybe it will give me an excuse to lay off the drink for when I'm on the site late at night... Thanks for thinking of my health