Joined: Apr '17
Location: Argentina
Age: 37 (M)
Posts: 584
Well I'm new in all this but I see that I can learn a lot here with all these people and their different opinions ... so to continue observing and learning.
I can add to this great list 88 - women's ass))) ... this name and my friends know from the popular game in Russia lotto (worldwide known as bingo) ... but when I started playing poker, this name is quite Came up to these cards ... a bit ridiculous, but in what is correct
Posted by oOECHI: Thx, alot of names i have never heard before.
Of course it is so .... in different regions of the world and in different social groups I'm sure there are many different names of the same cards .... the main thing that I understand those people with whom I communicate and I could explain to them that they are using those Words that are familiar to us ... and when communicating with other people I use classical phrases
Joined: Jan '12
Location: Slovenia
Age: 33 (M)
Posts: 1464
Haha, but it's good thread. I read allot about nicknames and avatars. They said back time that the players with avatars of the dog, football teams etc. are recreationals. If someone had some good nicks share it, this is always the bigest problem for me when i register somewhere haha.