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Joined: Oct '08
Location: Canada
Age: 35 (M)
Posts: 217
Poker is the only game where u don't play agaisnt the house and where 2% edge is good enough to make tons of profit. Blackjack comes in 2nd easiest to make money in. Other then that everything else is donating to the casino.
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Portugal
Age: 38 (M)
Posts: 469
PokerPokerpoker!! The answer is very simple and the reason is simple too! I like to play games where the skill matters. Playing in other casino games is just luck! And i am not a lucky person. Poker as come to stay and is growing day by day!
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Greece
Age: 47 (F)
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well i play poker mostly but i never say no to the other games either. but poker is the only game i win money and the betting (rarely online) some times. casino and blackjack is a disaster i only win in casino games with bonus money but a couple of times that i tried with real...never saw them again
Joined: May '09
Location: Bangladesh
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 169
Well among all of them i would like to say that at first i would like to go for poker. And after that i will choose casino. And last i may choose either any one of them. Depends on my mood.
Poker, for sure. Casino and bingo are good ways to give your money away. Betting, well you need to know so much to be profitable; players, teams, stats, coaching staff, etc, etc. Poker all the way!!