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Joined: Apr '08
Location: Finland
Age: 55 (M)
Posts: 150
It has been very hot in southern europe now for a few days. Which outdoor temperature is best for you? I don't like very hot temperature, about 25° degrees is best for me.
Joined: Aug '08
Location: Canada
Age: 59 (F)
Posts: 2558
I love the heat and it does not matter if it is humid either. I have a beauty of a pool and being that I am in Canada and this is the worst summer rain wise, I am hoping for some hot hot hot days
Joined: Aug '07
Location: Malta
Age: 42 (M)
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I think it depends a alot on the humidity too? Yesterday it was 40 degrees here in Malta with low humidity, it was very hot, but I loved it - don't remember last time I stayed out in the sun for that many hours, doing nothing but enjoying it
But in North Europe, I probably wouldn't want the temperature to get much higher than 25-30 degrees in the summer.
Joined: Apr '08
Location: Finland
Age: 36 (M)
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-30.C is a fun experience ... the cars are hard to start and you are feeling like an idiot with all the many clothes on. ... and in Finland it sometimes is dark as in a sack.
I'm suffering these days. Last wednesday we had almost 40° in Rome as you could see watching Fina 2009... No problem, I spent saturday swimming in Ostia
Posted by dunotra: 20-25 Hoter than that is ok as long it is dry heat and not to humid.
Agreed! And if there's a nice breeze too, that's very nice. I remember that one summer we had where it was scorchingly hot. Maybe 2 years ago..? There were record temps set in the States (I'm in Canada) where the temp was 100+ degrees (that's 37+ celsius) in many cities consistently!
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Portugal
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 4829
I like the 24 degrees celsius, its the medium temperature in Portugal during ending Spring and its really pleasurant to go out to the cafe drink a beer and talk to friends wearing shorts and a t-shirt, not forgeting the dark glasses!Actually, i am wrinting this coments from a tent in a camping park in Portugal, near the beach (can hear waves beating the sand), its midnight here, and weather is great, although a bit cold night (19º , but i am thinking in going a bit more to south and there i will have 26º by night, 34º by day: that's vacations!
one of the things i find most detestable about the UK is the stinking weather. I like it hot & usually it's not. Nothing makes me more miserable than the cold day in day out - not even losing at poker all day (although that is a very close second). Temp wise i'd have to say 25 - 30 would have me seriously happy.