Administrator shows: Th - Ts (a full house, tens full of fours) kwazz didn't show: Ah - Kd (two pairs, kings and fours) MissMimosa shows: Jh - Jd (a full house, jacks full of fours)
MissMimosa wins: EUR 106,00 (with a full house, jacks full of fours) Rake: EUR 2,00
My game is very rusty, so I know I probably played it very bad
Edited by Administrator (05 February 2008 @ 20:23 GMT)
Joined: Jan '08
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Age: 45 (M)
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All and all Admin, I think you should be happy that you didn´t lose your whole stack! You played it safe and non aggressive, and probably that´s why you didn´t lose alot of money on this hand. If he would have gone all in... what you you have done
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that sucks pretty bad lol but like fodz said at least he left you with some money in your stack lol... that could of ended up reallly bad... but i woulda done the same thing
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He didnt lost whole stack probably becouse its limit hold em poker?, and thats answer to your question why he didnt went all in cos he could bet only 4 times big blind as its on limit poker held ... btw thats why i dont like limit poker u cant bluff so much or held your storng hand on flop .. so almost all hand going to showdown
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Didn´t see that it was Limit, but thank you guys for pointing that out so brilliantly. Wow, you even put the math for limit games aswell, that will definately help someone who doesn´t know! Great post!
------------ Limit or no limit, Admin should still be content he didn´t lose more money!
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hahah agreed that hes lucky he didnt lose more.. and yea i didnt notice it was limit good eye on catchin that... but yea thats y limit is alot hard takes more brain power i think
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Posted by xxxitaliaxxx13: hahah agreed that hes lucky he didnt lose more.. and yea i didnt notice it was limit good eye on catchin that... but yea thats y limit is alot hard takes more brain power i think
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Posted by thefodz: Didn�t see that it was Limit, but thank you guys for pointing that out so brilliantly. Wow, you even put the math for limit games aswell, that will definately help someone who doesn�t know! Great post!
------------ Limit or no limit, Admin should still be content he didn�t lose more money!
On Limit you have up to 4 Bet/Raises per Betting Round. This includes a Big Blind - First Raise - Second Raise and Cap (The last Raise) These are the Small Bets. Every Raise is 1 Big Blind.
Preflop and Flop
On the Turn and River the same 4 Bet/Raises. But here you have the Big Bets a Big Bet is 2 BigBlinds
On a Table with 4 Players you can have a Pot of 192 on a FL 1/2 Game On a Full Table 10 Players the Maximum Pot can be: 24 Big BLinds x 10 Players = 480$
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this site should have smth like " king of the hill" where every week or so will be picked some one for something as reward and he will go vs actuall king for some money ( even small prize for winner or so ) and admin should be first king
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Posted by w4444x: this site should have smth like " king of the hill" where every week or so will be picked some one for something as reward and he will go vs actuall king for some money ( even small prize for winner or so ) and admin should be first king
Hell yah! Sounds like a sweet deal, a chance to crush the admins for once
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Yeah i think u played correctly Miss is the one who messed up, he/she could have re-raised to cut off the others odds of getting better and even got the amount u lost *2 from u
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ya there really isnt anything you could really do there, i would probably be raising and reraising the whole time, you got the 4th nuts there so its hard to think ur beat, especially wen he jus calld the raise preflop and not raised
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Posted by Svett2k: Hell yah! Sounds like a sweet deal, a chance to crush the admins for once
and that's why none of you will never get to play me because i'm sure theres some users in here who wants to "crush" me, because our investigation team or payment team probably rejected their account or bonus, and they think it's my fault etc etc.
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Posted by Administrator:
Posted by Svett2k: Hell yah! Sounds like a sweet deal, a chance to crush the admins for once
and that's why none of you will never get to play me because i'm sure theres some users in here who wants to "crush" me, because our investigation team or payment team probably rejected their account or bonus, and they think it's my fault etc etc.
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Thought allready, why you bet so soft... But when i readed the second post i saw it was Limit holdem.. Personally i don't like Limit hold em but i don't think you played it wrong..