twinsun | 04/02/2010 15:53:52 GMT |
Posted by Kristan: Well, now we know what people do in Malta when they have no luck in poker table and get bad beated - they rob the whole casino |
Lol. I would like to know their ROI after that...
Joe_Average | 04/02/2010 15:57:31 GMT |
Posted by rattacha: Hmm... Lucily i'm playing only online. So this can't happen with me. |
Lmao, never heard of hackers? Collusion? Cheaters? Anything can happen to anybody, even if you DO have antivirus and firewall. The odds are small, but who says "it can't happen to me" is an ignorant donk
Kristan | 04/02/2010 16:13:16 GMT |
Posted by twinsun: Posted by Kristan: Well, now we know what people do in Malta when they have no luck in poker table and get bad beated - they rob the whole casino |
Lol. I would like to know their ROI after that... |
Yea I think they wouldnt have to worry about negative ROI for years after that
xxxbchxxx | 04/02/2010 16:18:17 GMT |
Oh NO thats sad... a casino getting robbed insted of the people inside getting robbed by the casino..... Oh yeah anyone need any euro (going cheep) for there holiday this year?
Davoodoo | 04/02/2010 18:24:37 GMT |
A smith n wesson beats four aces ...
Hajinnho | 04/02/2010 18:37:01 GMT |
people stay in a casino for hours to get few money (or to loose it) and those go there for few minutes to take a big pot... is that what they call nice ship?
psycokiller | 05/02/2010 05:18:57 GMT |
Probably decided that banks were to hard, armoured cars to risky and convenience stores not worth the effort.
maxorka | 05/02/2010 08:10:40 GMT |
Yesterday the popular Malta casino, Casino di Venezia was robbed by a gang of masked men. The exact amount that was taken is unknown. But local rumors are saying that the sum exceeds over €500,000. Police is still searching for the robbers.
magatt966 | 05/02/2010 08:29:21 GMT |
Posted by Davoodoo:
A smith n wesson beats four aces ... |
I guess it will beat a royal flush as well
Doomsday_vic | 05/02/2010 09:46:33 GMT |
I think it'll cause more casinos to tighten their security. Maybe have an x-ray for those that walk in to look out for knives and guns :O
I guess casinos has as much money (if not more) as banks these days.
paulezzz | 05/02/2010 11:41:18 GMT |
I hope for them it was at least a few milliion. Otherwise they will sure come back for more later LOL
jporp | 05/02/2010 13:32:29 GMT |
Maybe it is the new movie "Ocean´s 14"
SuperNoob | 05/02/2010 15:20:08 GMT |
lol how can people play at that casino again now when they know anytime someone can come in a speedboat and go away with the money? they'll have to greatly increase security measures to get their business even half close to normal.
Davoodoo | 05/02/2010 16:44:11 GMT |
Luckily no one tried to play hero and got shot ... just give them the money and catch them later
LaBaiz | 06/02/2010 09:11:02 GMT |
this is pretty bad if casinos are getting robbed, but for a casino to lose the 100K is not that bad and they will get it back in no time.
GabeKaplan | 06/02/2010 09:46:32 GMT |
There insurance will cover it, This day and would not surprise me if it was a inside job, was not long ago in the 60,s and 70,s most casinos were owned by the mafia, remember those days, I remembered When I was a kid I saw security at a casino in Vegas throw a person out the window and being all blodied up, I was like 10 and did that scare the heck out of me as a kid
ZmxPowah | 07/02/2010 14:55:20 GMT |
If someone would say to me 5 guys will rob some casino i wouldn't belive.... In this times? Rotfl ;p Where was security... sleeping?
Lutenatik | 07/02/2010 14:57:53 GMT |
DAGOR | 07/02/2010 21:13:20 GMT |
Hello everybody! Too much that's the best way to win at casino lol. See you soon for new posts! lol
crackfinder | 07/02/2010 22:17:33 GMT |
i say good for those guys, havent you guys seen ocean's 11/12/13, the robbers are the good guys and the casino is evil. I would do the same thing, except i love freedom too much
sponsorplay | 07/02/2010 22:23:19 GMT |
My home city with only 50.000 people had a robbery almost every day last week, so what is the big news about a robbery in Malta? I hope they find the people who robbed the casino but it is not that big news
jessthehuman | 08/02/2010 00:24:04 GMT |
as somebody else said "how sad, a casino getting robbed" *rolls eyes
pfft so long as the people in the casino weren't robbed, so long as just the casino is robbed. Who gives a shit, what an abhorrent business to run anyway.
Kristan | 08/02/2010 08:08:00 GMT |
Posted by jessthehuman: as somebody else said "how sad, a casino getting robbed" *rolls eyes
pfft so long as the people in the casino weren't robbed, so long as just the casino is robbed. Who gives a shit, what an abhorrent business to run anyway. |
Its like a death ring, casino robs slotmachine addicts, and smart guys rob casino. Power belongs to people again
glazipan | 22/02/2010 22:43:50 GMT |
lol rus mob probabaly
lucas147 | 03/03/2010 18:29:04 GMT |
not going to be poor insurance jaja