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Did you ever hit a Royal Flush?

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congrat´s to this hand, my best hand ever were 2 straight flushes.
did you receive a special bonus by the poker-room?
i have seen some rooms offering a special bonus if you get a royal flush

Congrats Thumbs Up i have been playing online for over 4 years now and i have never had 1..
But i have tried loosing with 4 of a kind aces before to a str8 flush in omaha.....
And to all you other guys that have had more than 1 im jealous...
Good luck at the tables guys and girls Dollar Dollar Dollar

Posted by ChoonT:

congrat's to this hand, my best hand ever were 2 straight flushes.
did you receive a special bonus by the poker-room?
i have seen some rooms offering a special bonus if you get a royal flush

No, there was no special bonus or something like that. Only the other players saying: nh.. nothing more; )

Posted by mylatbm:
Congratulations Cool

I have had a Royal Flush 5 or 6 times. I have stopped counting Blink

I actually think I have got it more times than regular stright flush's.. I never get those.

5-6 times royal flush? OMG^^ how much you play? i play for more than 3 years now and never had a royal -.- (3-4 times straight flush)

Posted by zohaan:
My best hand was Flush run but not a royal flush........

thats called a str8 flush. Cool

never a royal flush
it is just too royal for me have had a straight flush a lotta times

nice dude flopping a royal flush that is pretty amazin pstars apparently lovess u
did u know the oodds of flopping a royal flush r
1in 649740

My first and only royal flush made me 1.5 big blinds.

Yes finally after 2 years i got him but it was not a big fat pot sadly and couple of months later i hit straight flush and both with only 1 card of it and lately hit quads a lot 4 times now in a month 2x Q's and 2x 8's so could be worse but wanna hit him more about 10x i have 4 of them but the last sucker won't fall tim Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap!

I have had royal flush only once Smile I got crazy, when I saw yours best hands Smile Smile Smile

congratulations Big Smile


this was mine xD

4 or 5 times.. Think i only flopped it once.. But im not sure..

Last time i got it.. was about a month ago or something like that! And no dont really think its amazing anymore.. Shock

Just landed one :}

still yet to hit one unfortunately, i have played a fair few hours of poker as well ahh well ehhe hope it comes soon

I haven't got Royal Flush yet. My best hand is A Spade A Club A Heart A Diamond But it was enough to win a high pot in a freeroll tourney Big Smile I've got it 4-5 times while I play poker.

I never hit royal flush but I could twice Aww crap!
Ones I folded JT siuted on pre flop (if someone bets 50BB I fold hend like this)
Second time was when I hit royal flush on flop someone bets and my stupied computer restarted and my hend was automatically folded Aww crap!

Never ever, not even a straight flush, my best hand was quads, and got those tons of times, but not straight or royal flush!

I hit 4 straight flushes in 4 days but no royal. I started playing suited connectors more now Smile

But I was 14 tabling, 3-4 hours a day. Must have been a lot of hands played.

I think i have got 4 royal flush in lifetime - I wish I could hit it once when someone gets four of a kind - would be sweet=)

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