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weekly MobDraw  0   
Thank you for that 5000 mobpoints in MobDraw with 100 tickets
Big Smile Worship

Congratulations on your win at mob draw with just 100 tickets Big Smile Thumbs Up and that you are one of two winners today! Enjoy in money and good luck on next games!

thank you Smile But with Safe is so hard to me, i use many shots no luck. one day come my lucky number Cool

Maybe Smile

Worship Congratulations! I've won a couple of times too, and I thought I would win this time as well because I won 100 safe tickets. Big Smile Worship

I also had 100 tickets this week at the mob draw, but it's not easy to win with them. Anyway, i won in July and it's nice. Maybe i will win again in the future. Good luck, mobsters.

wow only with 100 tickets, nice bink, congratz Thumbs Up

you have chances with 100 tickets, as this mobster had, because 100 tickets out of 5000, means 100 chances from 5000. There is nothing abnormal, he only has few tickets for these chances.

Congratulations. You are really lucky with your 100 tickets.

thats what we can call luck Big Smile

congratulations on your win , easy money Smile spend it well .
it is very hard to win the draw , its not only the tickets that BRM gives away for free with the callendar , ita also members who buy in the tickets using mobpoints , so t6he exact number of players in the lott6ery draw is unknown . i find it better to play the mobsafe . i bought in the past some tickets , tries to see , but i had no luck , so i stopped buying lottery tickets for the draw

I won it once or twice , nice to get money from nowhere , instantly and unexpectedly lol nice present Smile

everyone can win with only 100 tickets won in the mob calendar. It is not easy because there are 50 competitors x 100 tickets for 5,000 tickets. Exceptions are made by those who buy, but we have our chance. Good luck. Smile

yeah , and if the prizes are two meaning 100$ maybe we cculd say that we have 100 members in the draw , but ofcourse some buy more tickets , so they have more than 100 tickets , so the number of participants is lower . but in any case , what matter is that it is very difficult , so better win some tickets in the callendar , then hope to win , that would be a miracle win . it doesnt worth to buy mobshots , i tried it in the past , it is costly and hard to get back your investment .

this year i was lucky at the mob calendar in one week and won 300 tickets at the mob draw. In that Sunday i won 50 dollars. It is possible, but you need luck. Smile

All in with 100 tiks, Question


Thank you BRM for not give me a win in weekly mobdraw in almost 13 years since I am a member of this forum.Maybe next year is a good year?

Be patient sorin Smile Worship Smile . Same with me , waiting 13 years to win mobdraw for first Time , using 100 mob draw ticket from open the door. Thank you BRM Big Smile. Finally I ever win 3 kind of BRM games . I really surprise when open this site and found an e- mail : you are winner of ..after 13 years, lol.

I had only one win long time ago, since then nothing, except xmas lottery! So its for 11 years now from that win!

Some people have prizes in the draw once every 13 or 11 years, while others can win a prize even twice a year. As usual, it's a matter of luck, how often we have lottery tickets. Personally, I haven't won yet, but I haven't even been here for a whole year yet, so everything is still ahead of me. At least I hope so. Congratulations to everyone who has already won, and good luck to those who are waiting Smile

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